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"You.... you're a-a monster? Someone like me? A creature shunned by society?" I stood up, confused and mad. Does he think this is funny or something. I can't believe it, he's a part of this. All of them are working together to scare me or something stupid like that. They must have sneaked him in to the school somehow and knew he would eventually find me and say this... they g through a lot of trouble just for a prank.

"Alright alright, shut up stupid, I'm on to you and your dumb plan."I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, interrupting whatever it was he was saying. "Wh-what are you talking about, what plan?" Gavin said looking around, almost in a panic. That's new. "Don't play dumb Gavin, I know you're doing."

That was when I learned how wrong I was, it wasn't a prank and he wasn't Gavin. He turned into a she, a she remember distinctly from a few days ago. "How did you guess that I wasn't Gavin, I thought I was doing him so well." she looked down, sadly. Jeez, why did she come here anyways. "Trust me you did, but I guess I should have known better, that idiot wouldn't be able to find a door in front of him.. What are you doing her uh... Kayla?"

She looked down, and sighed, "I already told you why I'm here Alice. I'm warning you about the organization they told you about. I really did escape, I can tell you there really are lots more like us but they've all been abandoned. I have a place that they can stay and be helped with their gifts. I want to help you too Alice, I can tell you're not one to be easily persuaded bu-"

"Stop where you're at, show me these people or this organization." I started walking to the front gates, "How are we getting out?" I asked, she just smirked and bent down, "Beam me up Scotty!" she yelled and pulled me with her. I don't really know how to explain what happened but as soon as she said that we were out of the schools gates and in a big old building. A dark building, "One, what did you do? Two, where am I? And three, why is it so dark?" I whispered, looking around curiously.

She started walking and shushed me, "This is the organization, I can guarantee now that they have at the most 6 guard dogs awake now, but when morning hits it'll be far more then that." she crept along the walls carefully looking around each corner. "It's dark because it's their resting period, we have those. Five hours of that and some people are nocturnal, so those are the guard dogs we need to worry about. And what I did is just a small thing compared to what the students of this organization."

"You talk about the organization, like it's some type of hell hole with more then just demons. What happened here and why were you the only one, as of what I know, that wanted to leave?" I followed behind snapping my fingers making a ittle light to see, that she immediately blew out. "Don't do that, even a little light can set off a guard, they'll notice it in seconds. Trust me you don't want to be caught."

"Alright well, if you can apperate why did you do it so far from our destination? Wouldn't it have been easier to just get straight to the point, instead of being 100 feet from it?" Kayla nodded running down a hall and waving me over, "It's fine we're here now, this is where the students stay."

"They're locked in tubes, why?"

"You see I wasn't the only one who wanted to get away from this. They locked up the students after I left and I've been trying to get help for them. Although it's been hard every time I come back here I get cau- AHHHH!!" Even through the darkness I could tell she was gone. She had gotten dragged away by something or someone.

"Kayla! Kayla! Where are you?!?" I yelled looking around, I rarely admit this, heck I just about never admit tit, but I was scared. These people were trained, I'm guessing harshly from how Kayla sounded. I have no training. I can't hold myself up against them. I made a light in my hands again and shown it around, following the sound where I heard her scream come from.

"Kayla, are you okay..." I whispered trembling, flashing the light at every corner, "Ka-Kayla please say something." I walked around a corning and came upon a room, where I heard muffled voices and small shrieks.

I walked in turning out my light and watched from behind some pole or column or whatever this was as Kayla was cornered by someone or something into a corner of a wall. Before I could even take another step to come closer I was dragged off into the darkness, hitting my head.

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