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        Another pathetic Saturday wasted at home. It still beats wandering and keeping out of sight. At least here I cam roam where I please and not worry about being caught. Lillian had very important news. That just might be the highlight of my day, though I doubt it. "Alice are you coming down anytime soon, the boys are getting antsy." she asked, a bit excited, if I might add.

        "Coming, and they would be so antsy if you had raised them better. They might actually respect you better as well." I said, mumbling the end to myself. She replied with a small oh well, smiling and going into the eating room. I sit down, slightly away from them, I still don't like these people. They're weird. 'Loser' one of the boys coughed and they both giggled like the little school girls I know they are.

        "You know I have many ways of torturing little boys,correct?"I said menacingly, glaring them both dead in the eye. Lillian cleared her throat getting our attention and began speaking. "I know Alice hasn't been here that long, but I'm sure the rest of us is tired of the boring old area, right?", no response. "Okay then, I was think that we should move, maybe to another area, out of Europe, what do you think?" she asked smiling cautiously.

        Personally I didn't care, but Felix seemed a bit upset and Charlie just stared in utter shock. "WHAT NO  I CAN'T LEAVE I HAVE FRIENDS HERE!!" Felix yelled storming out. I thought they wouldn't have cared much, since they never seem to care much about anything else. I guess life seemed a bit routine to them and moving would just be weird. They'll get used to where ever we'er going. I mean it can't be so bad....right?        

        "So where are we going...Lillian?' I said, teasingly yet emotionless. " I told you t call me mom, and we're going to HAWAII!!" Whoopee? Hawaii, I know I've never said this but I'm kind of like islands. Isolated and quiet, just you and the land you're on, it's peaceful. You wouldn't understand if you were always surrounded by friends. "So you're serious about this?" Charlie ask.

        "Yes I'm serious and that's the end of this decision. We're going to be spending winter there." Lillian said smiling, hopeful. He frowned a little and left the room. Just me and her now, if you ask me they're acting petty.

        "So what gave you the idea of spending the winter someowhere else?" I asked with little care. She looked around smiled softly and said she just wanted them to have new experiances. New experiances, how wonderful for them, because to my ears it sounded like 'I want you to get caught by the government.'

        What ever I mummbled walking to the door "I'm going out, okay." I said leaving. I really have no idea of where to go, I just wanted to leave. As usual I brought my journal, camera, and some money. I don't have alot I only get enough for the week ends, but I know how to keep some for anything else, in case I have to run.

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