"Alright," Dean turns his head to press a kiss against Rory's shoulder. "Well, if it gets too much, you know where I am," he gives her a smile, small and handsome. Rory nods as he sits up. "By the way, did Sam tell you that he went to go see that Marcel guy?"

Rory's eyes widened. "He what?" she inquires, sitting up. "He went without me?"

"Huh," Dean looks a little put out. "Should've known that there was no way you'd let him go alone. But, yeah—he went to go see him earlier this morning. Hasn't been back since."

"Shit," Rory hisses as she stumbles out of bed, pulling on a pair of jeans. "Dean, why didn't you tell me?!"

"Well, you were asleep, and you've warned me to never wake you up when you don't wake up on your own—" Rory gives him a deadpan stare. "—But now that I think of it, I should've probably woken you up to tell you that Sam was leaving without you." Dean finishes.

"Yes, you should've," Rory runs a hand through her hair, frazzled.

"I'll come with you," Dean pushes himself into a standing position, trailing after her.

"No, don't," Rory turns to face him, checking her phone to see if there was any messages of an SOS from Sam. There isn't. "Sam hasn't texted or called—that could mean something really good, or really bad. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Hey, I may be a human but I've kicked some vampire ass back in my days—"

"—Okay, grandpa," Rory cuts him off with a quick kiss on the cheek. "I understand that you were a tough cowboy at one point, but just out of pure security...please stay here. If I need you, I promise I'll call. Okay?"

"It's tough having a badass girlfriend," Dean comments as Rory makes her way towards the door. "If I were a more insecure dude, I'd probably break up with you."

Rory tosses him a smile. "And if you did, I probably would've killed you," she winks at him, leaving the home.


It's easy to track Sam through the Find my Friends app on the iPhone, and true enough, he's across the river. Algiers, Google Maps supplies to her, when she enters Sam's vicinity. Sam isn't alone, it seems ▬ he's surrounded by other people, but there's one that stands out above the rest. He's dark-skinned, downright gorgeous, and carries himself like a king. It doesn't take much to know who it is; Marcel Gerard.

Sam notices her presence before she even needs to notify him; he smells her perfume and he hears the click of her heels. He turns around to face her, and he doesn't even manage to wipe the guilty expression on his face before Rory's standing in front of him with her arms crossed and an unimpressed eyebrow raised.

"Rory, I can explain—" Sam starts.

"—Oh, can you?" she interjects. "How exactly are you going to explain the fact that you ditched me specifically when I told you that you and I were supposed to go together?"

Sam looks exasperated. "Rory, I'm fine,"

"By the grace of god, considering you know how to get yourself into some pretty dumb situations. Case in point: me eating you in New York," Rory retorts. She realises that the murmurs around her have died into a silence and notices the various pairs of eyes on her. She clears her throat as she turns her gaze to Marcel, who's watching her with an amused look on his face. "Sorry for crashing your party—I was just looking for Sam." She says to Marcel.

Marcel realises that he recognises her ▬ he recognises her from his adoptive father's drawings. When he was still a young boy, Klaus spoke about a doppelganger that he needed to break his curse. He mentioned Tatia, and he mentioned how Katerina Petrova ▬ Tatia's doppelganger ▬ fled from his grasp and betrayed him, and he never forgot about her. Rory looked exactly like her, but Marcel knows that she wasn't Katerina. Because being in New Orleans, Klaus would've killed her on sight. It's a doppelganger, alive and well.

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