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After so many unbelievable tests the doctor excused herself saying that she needed to consult with the head of the hospital. Immediately after she left a nurse came in and one look at her I knew we met somewhere. Maybe it was in my brain while I was 'dead' or before then but I couldn't shake off the fact that I knew her from somewhere. 

"Hey Andy I came to give your brother a morning shot," She wasn't even looking at me and her voice sounded so familiar. But what was  really creepy was that her voice sent a bad creep up my spine. 

"Oh, that won't be necessary Jane he is already awake now." Andy said still with a hand slung over my shoulder and chuckled softly.

Jane? Hmm where did I meet a Jane?

"That's great... Wait what?" She  lifted her face abruptly and I was met by piercing brown eyes. 

She was the one. The Jane from my dream or should I say fantasy, but she looked different in some way. She looked like a better version than the one in my dream.

Then why did you freeze? 


Hmm are you afraid of her because of what she did to you. 

I cant be afraid of a woman.

I see.

Shut up.

"You don't look too happy that he is awake Jane." My brother stated the obvious while we observed her body language. 

She shrugged and pushed her discomfort back and gave us a huge fake smile while stating how happy she was that I was up and ready for life. At that moment something inside me snapped and I saw something different from before. 

Instead of a beautiful woman in her early fifties, I saw an old woman who had deep black pits for eyes and was carrying a weird looking shepherd staff in her hand. Then I saw a young girl who was so happy and contented with life. She laughed and was carefree but somehow something evil took her place. She was replaced by the old woman I had seen before. It appeared to be some kind of vision that disappeared the same way it had started. Before I knew what was even happening a few words escaped my mouth.

"It's not too late you know."

She looked at me with shock written all over her face. 

Well I don't blame her. Am shocked too. How am I seeing all those things that I  have just seen.

"I.. I am... um" She stuttered and I smiled. 

Am becoming weird right. 

No you are fulfilling the word that I said I would do through you. 

Yeah the voice that woke me up. The one that was so hypnotic that I just had to agree to whatever He said.

"It's alright. Think about it. Once you know what you want you know exactly where to find me." I said calmly followed by a bout of cough. 

Damn it. That is what I get when I don't use my voice for half an year.

Andy handed me a glass of water and helped me sit up better so that I can avoid spilling all over myself. I silently thanked him and looked at the woman standing rock still in the middle of the room. 

"Who are you?" She asked me finally. 

"That's not important is whether you will make the right choice or not." I smiled.

Now this is weird.  Why do I keep saying things yet I know am not the one saying them.

 Look! I've just put my words in your mouth—hand-delivered!
See what I've done? I've given you a job to do
among nations and governments—a red-letter day! -- do this words sound familiar to you?

I tried to look back into my mind and realized that in fact I had heard those words before. In my dream/ fantasy the pastor at auntie Trisha's church spoke of the same thing.

Bear me witness to all nations, I'll always be with you

Yes he spoke to me and now he just spoke through me. He is using me. He made me a vessel for him.

I looked at my brother who was looking at me all weirdly. I looked back with a question to which he shrugged. After a few short moments I decided to break the silence.

"I met  a friend too. And He was amazing."

"That explains why you are in outer space when am on earth." Yeah count on Andy to make such a remark even when it is a serious conversation.

"I know I have a lot of explaining to do but I need you to complete your story first." I told him as I sat myself on the hospital bed. 

Damn aren't hospital beds all so uncomfortable.

Yeah then add the smell of meds to your mix and you get a nice concoction of smells.

"Well I'd love to explain everything to you but first I need you to meet someone who was waiting for you to wake up." I was a bit curious so I nodded my head. All the people that I had met today were amazing but also were people I had already met but of course this time they were different from how I would recall them from where we met.

Yeah well you have only met one so great on the numbers side. 

Yeah totally on the top. Thanks for the reminder here. 

Well its all up to me to even simple math for you. 

I mentally rolled my eyes. I decided to assume that whoever would come next was someone who I did not know. 

"Hello Shane. Meet my sister Candellia Priceless."

What on earth?!

Short Chapter but I promise I will make the next one longer. One more before the epilogue.  Am sad and excited at the same time but I hope that you guys have enjoyed this story. 

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