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I was still staring down at the vast grounds from the balcony. I could see a few of the domestic managers amd farm managers trying to work out everything in my aunt's building. Being a top sponsor of art and theatre companies she was bound to have visitors anyhowly. That was the main reason why my aunt used the top floor as the family floor. Atleast there was privacy. She could cook or wash with no intervention unless she was in her lazy days.

The stairs to the top floor were hidden and only a few employees and trusted friends knew exactly where to find us. Other than that all the others would call the house so that they may access us.

I was still admiring the young woman who joined the staff a few months ago as Trish had told me. She had broad hips that swayed from side to side vigorously as she washed the linen. She looked fine but its strange though i did not have desire. I was still watching her when i felt someone hug me from behind.
The familiar scent hit my nose and her touch sent some tingles down my spine.  It was her and she was hugging me.  Her breath however was not controlled and so i knew something was not right. As if on impulse ny body turned to face her and i held her in my arms. She felt like heaven. She fit into me perfectly like a puzzle clicked together.

I let my hand roam over her back and she broke down into sobbs.  I felt that words were not needed at that point and all she wanted was a shoulder to cry on. My shirt was soaking but i didn't care as long as she was the one who left that patch of tears on my shirt.  Her tears felt warm and they touched a spot in my heart.

Suddenly emotions i could not explain swirled through my mind. I felt like i needed to be the reason behind her smile and laughter and i felt bad that someone was causing her too much pain in her heart that she was crying. It broke me and i badly wanted to avenge her. I wanted to make whoever it is feel the pain they had caused her. After a few minutes she pulled herself out of my arms and looked at me with fearful eyes. Her eyes then moved to the large stain i had on my shirt.

"Oh my God. Am sorry i soiled your shirt. Am so sorry excuse me please. " She said as she rushed to get into the living room. I could smell something but i was determined to make her only have the best. I grabbed her hand and pulled her back. She eyed me suspiciously.
"I can't  let you go in like this. Trish will know that something is not right with yoyr puffy red eyes. " I told her. She relaxed and nodded. I let go of her and led her to a beanseat at the balcony. I gave her a glass of cold water to cslm her nerves and i sat oppposite her. I made myself busy on my phone trying to ignore the feelings she made me experience just by sharing space with me.

"Shane am okay now. Lets go inside. " she told me after a few minutes.  I looked at her and noticed she had a little make up on. The red color of her eyes had been replaced with a silvery glint. She had put on some eyeliner and very dark mascara that gave her a smokey look. She also had some deep purple lipstick which hid the fact that she had been crying.

"Don't you know it is wrong to stare? " She questioned me as she took my hand and pulled me to the door.

I followed her without opposition. Just as we approached the door my phone vibrated in my pocket and she let go of me and went inside. Arrgh it was my girlfriend or should i call her ex because I don't love her anymore. The only image that was flowing through my mind was the one of that girl that had just let go of my hand. To me she gave me a reason to love her so much and she also gave me a reason to think about settling in this land that i knew nothing about.
I ended the call and went inside.

"Hey Priceless. " I heard my brother call her.
"Priceless? " I was confused about it.
"Yeah Shane Greene.  Its Candellia Priceless. " she told me and winked at me then went towards the guest room.  My brother had a smirk on his face which made me want to smack his face hard. He was way ahead of me in knowing her. What kind of crap is this. Loving her doesn't give him the right to know her before me. I mean i saw her before him.

"No you did not. I saw her before you. " He said with a smirk. I said that loud. Didn't I. Oh what in lucks name is wrong with me.
Andy stood up, tapped on my shoulder and went towards the bedroom leaving me staring into space there.
How on earth did it come to a point that i feel like i can kill my brother just for a girl. Wait i take it back i feel like hitting him hard and making him realize that this girl is mine.
Did i just say she is mine.  She is everything i want and more and not just that. She shines my day. Its only a few hours since i first saw her but i want her more. My phone vibrates.  Its Greta.  I dont feel like talking to her. She is of no significance to me anymore. I ignore and rush to the kitchen to help my auntie prepare dinner.
It was a few minutes past seven and we had finished our dinner. Greta had been texting and calling continually and i also continually ignored her.

Sunshine, no Candy was in the guest room preparing for a crossover Virgil. I was busy devouring an apple that i didn't notice her come into the living room carrying her shoes. She was in a royal blue jeans and a white shiffon top. She had blue earrings and no necklace. She placed her shoes on the floor and sat on a pillow at my aunt's feet.
"Trish work on my hair i need to look stunning as i cross over to next year. " She told my auntie as she took off the towel thatbwas covering her hair. This girl is so nuts. Even such a small act as that one of removing her towel from her head made me feel that weird feeling at my spine.

My brother elbowed me bringing me back from my world. I looked at him and i saw him lift his eyebrows to her direction and i turned to check her out.

She looked so hot. This time she had red lipstick a little eyepencil and some mascara. Her hair was so attractively tied in a big bun after being gelled.  Whe would have thought she had such long hair when i only saw her hair shaved in the morning and right before she got into the shower. She put on her signature blue shoes and turned around for Trish to look at her.

"Candellia Priceless. Is that you?You look amazing. "Trish told her as she turned around for admiration.
"What can i say Trisha Daniels. Amazing is my middle name. " She answered and they laughed. Uncle Delvin gave them a bored look abd went ahead to read his magazine.
He lifted his eyes when he head the silence and looked at them. All of us were looking between the two women and Uncle Delvin.
"What? " Uncle asked. Looking at them.

"Oh Delvin. Tell the girl how she looks. " auntie Trish told him giving him puppy doggy eyes.  My uncle rolled his eyes and assesed her.  He motioned her to turn around which she did showing off her perfectly rounded behind. I couldn't help but stare at her. She was so perfect. I saw my uncle gasp a little through my peripheral sight with lust showing a bit in his eyes. I hope Trish did not notice that.

"I can't  believe am saying this Candellia but if i were to chose right now.  I would vote you a hundred times above Trish. " he said and we all laughed except for Trish who gave him a look and pouted.
"Thanks Delvin. I better be going. Are you guys coming. "she asked my brother and i.
"Yeah but you just go ahead we will catch up., " he aswered since i couldn't find my tongue.
She kissed my cheek and left. I was so stunned that i just stood petrified. My brother and auntie laughed at me while uncle Delvin gave me a pitiful smile. 

We never did catch up with her. But the moment we got to the chapel i spotted the familiar hairstyle. We sat on the opposite row to hers. The whole sermon i heard nothing. I looked at her all through.  The way she prayed was just so intriguing.

The countdown came and it was a new year in no time.  We were dancing,  singing greeting and hugging each other. She half hugged my brother and some other friends of hers. She hugged me and kissed my cheek again the whispered a happy new year. It sure was a happy one. 

What happened here. Why was my girl crying. Hey peeps. Tell me what you think of this chap. Dont forget to tap the little star at the end of this chap.  I love you sosososo much...

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