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It was becoming harder for her as we continued. I could tell she was uncomfortable with visiting her parents. I however could not place my fingers on what made her be that way. All along I thought people were always excited to meet their parents but she was way low on the scale of eagerness.
I decided to cheer her up so she could take her mind off what was happening.
"Lets play a game. " i said.

"OK which one. " She was still not eager but she tried to act excited about it.

"If I spot a white car before you then you sing for me. If you spot it before me then i sing for you. "
I always knew she loved singing. Whatever it was that she was singing she was good at it.
"OK you are on it. "

She perked her head up so she doesn't miss anything going on around us.

"there is one." I said before she had the chance to say it.
"come on I saw it first. " She pouted cutely.

"but I mentioned it before you did. "I remained adamant.
After a few minutes of arguing who saw first she laid back on her seat and drew in a sharp breath and then uttered an ok.

Sweet sweet melody
You make me happy
The way you compose in me
Something so touching and amazing
Singing for you i get blessings
There's no day you ever go missing

I was still staring long after she finished singing. I knew she had a beautiful voice but no one ever mention it would leave you speechless and mesmerized.

"there i spotted one. " Her dulcet voice brought me from my state of movement less.
"Fine you got me. " i decided to do something different

More than a moment
You are more than a moment to me
Don't care where we go as long as you are with me

We don't have to go to heaven
To feel like we are in heaven
Coz i feel like am heaven
Every time i look in your eyes.

I am sure I meant every word I sang but when I finished singing she was laughing her head off.

"Shane let's quit on the singing. You have a voice worse than a frog." She laughed as she commented and it made me smile.

It was a clear indication that her mind was off her parents for a short while.
"OK what do we do. "I asked her after her laughter died.
"How about truth or truth?" she suggested in a question form.
"Truth or truth? " I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah I hate dares i love honesty. " She shrugged her shoulders as if it was the most obvious thing to say.
I almost burst out laughing at her explanation but I tried to conceal my laughter.
"Don't you dare laugh. " She said as she poked my ribs and this time i couldn't hold it any longer. My lungs suffered Lack Of air due to the much I laughed.
She kept smacking me which made me unable to control my laughter.
"Okay so who goes first." I asked after our laughter had died down
"You."she said as she put up her poker face. I nodded.
"Have ever been in a situation where you experience a persons life in a dream or vision?" She asked.
Suddenly the air in the car seemed to be growing thin and slowly fading being replaced by a darkness that I was not familiar with.
I could feel the pain on various parts of my body. The dull ache in my head and the blurred vision were not making it easier.
I gripped my gun closer to myself with a hope that maybe it would take away the pain. I tried crawling but the pain searing through my ribs was too much.
I tried whispering a help me but all that left my mouth were whimpers of pain and a feeling of being stuck and darkness was engulfing me.

I saw a figure approaching me and I did not know who it was but somehow there was a deep pull between me and her like we had spent a lifetime together.
"Gabe!! " She screamed and I found myself feeling a piercing pain through my heart as she cried.
Without knowing how my body knew and without knowing what was pushing me I found myself running towards her forgetting all the pain that I was feeling.
"Jane No.... Don't do that. " I couldn't not make out her face and I couldn't tell how I knew her name but the pain o felt was too much.
Suddenly the now familiar darkness engulfed me.

"Hey breath. He is gonna be OK. He won't leave you Candy. "
"Oh Quentin I can't lose them and him too. " I heard a teary voice speak.

I tried to pry my eyes open yet the light blinded me again.
"Easy.. Try opening again. " a male voice encouraged.
I opened my eyes slowly this time being careful about the light.
I was still trying to familiarize myself to the surrounding when small arms wrapped around me.
"Never scare me like that. " She said as she made sure her head was resting on my chest.

I chuckled a bit as I pulled her closer to myself.
"Am sorry for scaring you." she sighed contently as i unconsciously rubbed circles on her upper arm using my thumb. 
The car came to a halt as I was just about comfortable and I felt Candy tense again in my arms.
"We are here. " Quentin quietly declared as he unsurely turned back to look st Candy just to make sure she is okay.
The concern etched in his face made me feel worried and as I stepped down from the car I realized why.

Candy pushed herself ahead of me and I followed wordlessly not sure if I really wanted to be part of this.
This was not a regular place because it was neither a mansion nor a park.
"Shane. "She called me back to reality.
I checked where she was and I saw two beautiful stones placed next together forming a heart

"Shane meet my parents, Mr and Mrs Priceless. Mom Dad,  this is Shane, the guy I have been telling you about. " Her voice broke and instantly my hands found their way to her shoulders.
As I stood watching I realized something that caught my eye.
On one stone was a beautiful curved name, Gabriel Priceless and on the other was another, Jane Priceless.

"Hello Jane and Gabe. Nice to finally meet you." I whispered in my mind


elayed update and am so sorry about it. But I hope to leave you wanting more after this.
Am sorry if this was not how you visualized this chap but i hope you enjoyed it

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Lots of love

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