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I sat at a far corner of the grave yard watching people pay their last respect to my father. Shockingly I did not feel blank as people claim to feel when they loose a loved one. I was feeling bad yes, but not awful enough to blame anyone for his death or even to feel too bad about loosing him. 

I was somehow empty and at the same time content. My father and I  did not have the best father-son romance so you could already guess that he was next to nonexistent to me. T hat however did not kill the fact that he was still the man who made sure I came to this world.

Practically speaking my father had not been the kind of father that was absent in my growth. On the contrary he was ever present but that was the problem. He was ever present to pressure me to a life I never desired to live. He wanted me to live the life he had missed out on living which isn't entirely comfortable for a guy like me who desired freedom of choice on what to be.

"Am sorry about your father." Her soft voice threaded into my mind causing me to abruptly look up at her. 

I expected her to be standing tall with a pitiful smile on her lips but what met me was something entirely different. The girl talking to me was sitting on a wheel chair with my brother pushing her towards me. She looked frail and week and that moment the thought of loosing a father wasn't in my mind anymore.

"It's all okay Candy." I told her as a certain new feeling erupted through my body just by seeing her on a wheelchair looking all lost and frail.

"How are you?" I asked her.

"I am as good as I can be. Considering the fact that I was driving and the next thing I know is that my co-driver is dead and am on a wheelchair." She said and I could tell she was trying to keep the bitterness from her voice.

"You killed my father?" Andy asked so softly and I knew something was definitely boiling. Candy was quiet.

"Say something woman!" Yup he was becoming frantic and pushed the wheel chair way too hard and before I could even react Candy was on the ground unable to move with a wheelchair on top of her. She pushed it off wincing at the pain and without even knowing it I was on my feet helping her.

Andy pried me off her and slapped her straight on her face causing her to move sideways and again landing with the wheelchair on her and this time it angered me.

"Enough Andy. She is already hurt." I stated trying to be as calm as possible with him. 

"Enough? Shane you say it is enough. Is it enough for you to be without a father? Is it enough for you because of her irresponsibility mom is crying for the loss of her loved one? Do you know how hard it is right now to be in the same house with the woman you always termed as strong as she cries and wails like a wounded animal? As much as you and father did not have the best relationship it doesn't mean that him and I did not have one and I loved him Shane. So for me it will never be enough until she pays the full price of killing a man which is a death sentence." He spat venomously then left.

After I was sure she was well settled on the wheelchair I asked her the most obvious question of all times. 

"Is it true?"

"Shane even if I tell you it is not true would you believe me?" She asked in a small voice as she wiped dirt and blood off her face. Would I believe her? Would her words be strong enough to convince me that she never did it? 

"I thought so. Till then I guess I'd rather let the truth speak for itself. " She then wheeled herself towards my fathers grave which was next to deserted with people having left before all the fights between my brother and my crush. 

I watched her as she placed a flower on the tombstone and continued wiping off something from her face. I knew it was unfair not to trust her because from the first time I got to know her she had proven too be nothing but friendly. She was also hurt but I was finding Andy more believable than her.

I found myself walking towards her against my will and I squatted in front of her so that we were seeing each other eyeball to eyeball. Looking at her generated so many feelings but trust was the prominent one.

"Priceless, if I trust you will I be making a mistake?" I asked her earnestly hoping that my heart did not misguide me.

"Shane. You are not the only one who lost something. I also lost something valuable to me. I will never be able to walk again, so even if it was a mistake I will not run away." She said. She sounded so bitter about it that I almost flinched had I not been through hell and back. Beneath the bitterness there was a tinge of sadness and hatred and regret? What was she regretting? Did she not know that regretting solved nothing? I had learnt that the hard way and even though standing in front of my father's grave I had no regrets whatsoever even for his death. Anyway I brushed that feeling off me and tried my best smile for her.

"Then I trust you Candy." I said looking deep into her brown eyes that seemed to keep so much from the world with that color. The two magnets never ceased to amaze me as they always drew me towards her.

"And am sorry for what happened to you. I promise I will stick by you through everything. You can count on me."I whispered sincerely hoping that she understood I meant it.

"Finally" she whispered.


"Yeah finally someone is selfless enough to be there for me. I mean who else would have lost his father and careless about him." I chuckled at her statement .

"Me, I guess" I said with a roll of my eyes and I felt slender arms wrap around me.

Its a crappy one am sure but please like it and I promise to do better work next time. Sorry to disappoint but I had no idea how you would have liked this chapter but I hope that you will not bite my head off after this.

Love you to pieces


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