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I still couldn't believe I had done it. I felt  every ounce of guilt that my system could accommodate. I had betrayed her. Nothing that anyone said seemed to make it right. In as much as I had convinced myself that it was a one time thing I couldn't understand why I did it. 

Maybe what my brother had said was true. Maybe for once I was really smitten and I couldn't get myself off the hook. In as much as her face was what was popping into my mind as I did it, however much I tried to justify myself that I had nothing wrong bearing in mind I was not dating her I couldn't help but feel bad about it. With Greta it was always different. I never felt the guilt and yet I claimed she was my girlfriend and smothered her with I love you's. Even when I broke up with her after she had shown up at Trisha's place, I still said I love you but  what I had for Candy was different and so deep that I couldn't fathom a name for it.

I was home alone as I was in no mood for anything that the family was doing. Andy stated that my mind was too occupied to actually have anything fun get through it which I presumed was true. I had not told Andy I fooled around cos he would have just stated that that was very typical of me and wouldn't sit around to understand how I felt knowing  he would stand a chance with Candy so I chose to keep the information to myself. 

Am so dumb.

Of course. Why else would I be falling for one girl and fooling around with another? Only a dumb person could do that. 

But what she doesn't know can never hurt her. Right?

But who was I kidding she had some witches DNA so she could probably have some trick up her sleeve and dig up my uncouth behavior. 

Why the hell was I so mixed up about this when she probably had absolutely  no feelings for me?

Cos you are falling beyond revival you idiot.

Nothing was understandable and it was a while before I noticed that the girl in question was actually sitting on her wheelchair in front of me waiting for me to break my trail of thoughts and focus on her. But apparently even in my thoughts I was focusing on her. 

Weird right?

"Been there long?" I asked trying not to let the guilt soak into my voice.

"No, but I've been here long enough to tell that you are stressed out and confused. What's up?" She asked me as she shifted to feel comfortable in her wheelchair. Her voice sounded so different. It sounded much like the woman in my dream but I concluded maybe it was because the said woman was her mother. 

"Nothing much. Would you like a drink? Water or juice or even some snack." I asked avoiding her eyes as I knew she'd find out that something was terribly wrong and I wouldn't stand the guilt.

She seemed hesitant about my offer, so I offered her what she had never resisted.

"I have some mangoes," I wooed her. Her face changed to disgust for a millisecond but was back to jovial her as she  shook her head no and she decided to have oranges instead and that she became nauseated whenever she had mangoes.

I excused myself to the kitchen but as I was slicing the oranges something just clicked into my mind. The different voice though familiar and the hate of mangoes?

Red flag alert.

I immediately had this feeling that whoever I was talking to was not Candy so I decided to look for the real Candy. I reached for my back pocket where my phone was usually stashed when I am not using it but it was not there. The feeling I had of doom grew stronger but I tried to maintain a straight face as I went back with a plate of oranges, biscuits and a glass of juice for whoever was in the sitting room with me.

"Sorry I took so long." I said as I put the the tray of assortment on the ottoman that was beside her. I hoped she did not hear the terror that was pulsating through me.

"Oh well, I understand." She answered.

Second red flag alert.

Candy would have said something like, 

'At least you didn't burn down the kitchen.'

She was so good at making me feel like crap. I stole a glance at the door and discovered that I had locked the door from the inside and the only person with the key was my aunt and the spare one I had with me. 

How on earth did she then get in if she was Candy? 

Candy always knocked the door and she had never let herself in. My mind was in high alert now and I tried to look for my phone around the living area.

"Are you okay?" I nodded absentmindedly. "You look fidgety." She stated the obvious that I was trying to hide from her. 

"Well am fine," I tried to push as much confidence as I could into my voice. "I'll be back in a moment." I rushed to my bedroom to see if I left my phone there. 

I checked every corner of my room but I could not find it. I undid my well spread bed thinking that maybe I accidentally tucked it in together with my bed sheets but no. It wasn't there either. I started getting panicked as I realized I just lost my phone in a house that I did not actually leave. I sat defeated with my head in my hands that I had placed on my knees.

"Looking for this?" The familiar voice disconcerted me. I turned to see Candy or should I say her impersonator standing at my door holding my dearest phone and watching me with mischief in her eyes.

"Oh Shane. I look just like her don't I? But I knew you'd discover me the moment I spoke and asked for oranges. Am not stupid young man so lets play a game shall we?" She stated as I saw her change form into the military personnel she was and my surrounding started getting colder, darker and morphing into the place I had now grown accustomed to. This time, however, I was not in Gabriel's body neither was I dressed in military clothing. Instead I was just me, feeling all the cold and the eeriness in the air.

"She tells you a lot. I bet it's time I teach you a small lesson that am not who she says I am." Her voice was clear as day though I couldn't see her. 

"Shall we begin with a little warm up to see if my power still works." She chuckled and I felt a force squeezing on my neck cutting off my air supply.

Oh boy and here I was thinking I'd live to buy my daughter a life unicorn.

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