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We stopped at a very fancy restaurant that screamed loose it to us. Somehow i knew that this things were going just as they always did and this time i had a feeling i was going to be the one to mess around.

i unbuckled my belt and pulled myself out of the vehicle before i heard a feminine voice in the car causing me to pause in my tracks. i sat back into the car and peered through the darkness only to see the last face i expected to see.

"Shit i hate you Andy. why did you lie that she had gone out...." He cut me off with his laughter and i smiled slightly. his laugh was melodious so much like a song that could not be resisted.

"You are so silly lil' bro. tell me are there shops or malls open at this time in this country? tururu think." he laughed again causing me to smile at my stupidity. I looked at the girl again and left them behind as i walked to the club. i only had energy to drink not to argue with my good for something brother.

i gulped down my drink. i guess i lost count of how much i had drunk. but the drink felt so soothing. i felt at peace for once. i realized that i did not need the girl to be happy. she did not deserve to take away the joy that was in my heart before i met. after all i had only known her for almost twenty four hours.

who needed her anyway. Kaiyo is also very pretty isn't she? I took another huge sip of my drink and looked over to where Andy and Kaiyo were seated. I watched as her glass touched her lusciously plump lips  she swallowed slightly and licked the extra drink from her lips making me want  to kiss her and take up those droplets for her.

i pulled myself from my seat and staggered to their table. Andy raised an eyebrow to me but  i ignored him focusing on the beautiful lips of this African beauty.
She looked pretty as hell and i could only stare at her lips. The way they moved as she spoke made me desire them more. I envisioned them being where i want them to be and smiled to myself. The ideas of her calling my name aloud due to me working on her made me lick my lips.
"Shane are you even listening. " Andy called to me bringing me from my luscious thoughts.
"What did you say? " i slurred.
"I said stop tormenting your mind over some worthless girl, " Oh yeah i think i heard him say that i just wasn't concentrating. I nodded and continued assaulting my prey with my eyes.
Andy smiled knowingly and excused himself to use the bathroom.
Yeah great. Me and a beautiful temptation left alone in a bar and am drunk and totally out of reason. Thats cool Andy. I should thank-you later.

I looked at the pretty woman who was seemingly drunk and smiled with a wink. She blushed like totally avoided eye contact with me since she was falling for my charms i presumed.
"Kaiyo. Do you know you have a beautiful body?" I asked but it came out more of a seduction statement. "And those lips. I can only imagine how useful they could be to me.
She blushed the more and i smirked and patted myself on the back for my good job.
A slow song started playing on the stereo and i requested my blushing lady for a dance. Just one dance and i was sure i would have my way with her.

My brother bumped into me and gave me the car keys. He smiled and whispered something into my ear. "Glad you are having fun." He shouted over the music and went to his seat.

We were halfway through the dance when i pulled Kaiyo closer to me so i could feel every inch of her voluptuous body. The heat emanating from her made pants a bit uncomfortable but i could only bear with it.
"You are so beautiful." I whispered as i tilted her head to me and kissed her though nervous at first. Her reaction made my whole body quiver with passion and i knew it was working.

"Lets get to the car." I whispered my voice quite uneven due to lust i guess. She nodded and i pulled her towards the exit. I gave my brother a glance and he mouthed 'play safe' to me. I nodded and quickly walked out of the club with my girl in tow. I impatiently unlocked the car and pulled both of us in. I kissed her passionately not minding the fact that we were in a parking lot. I wanted to taste every inch of her. She guided my hand to where she needed it most and i abruptly stopped and faced her.
"Are you sure about this? " I asked and raised my eyebrow to her.
She smiled and nodded. As of i had not noted her reaction she whispered, "Positive. "
I did not waste my time in handling her the way i felt was right. I am a gentleman man but something about her made me wild that time and i behaved like a caveman.

Based on the bruises i spotted on her skin after our moment i was sure that i had been more than rough with her.

"did i hurt you. " I asked genuinely worried.
"No am fine Shane. " Kaiyo said in a small voice. Oh but i see the marks how can she say that i did not hurt her.
I let go of it anyway and called my brother to take us home. Kaiyo lay her head on my lap and slept off.

As i played with her braided hair i was positive that even though she tried to sate my desire. I still felt that missing aspect in my life. I needed her. I needed my Candy. Am sure she would make me feel better.

Shortest chapter guys but i hope you will love it. I will try and update soon and make up for the shortness. Enjoy.

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