Scare Narrative

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Introduction of the story:

A long time ago in Orlando, Florida, there were people by the names of Shelley Anderson, Karen McEntire, and Matt Corona. They all lived in the city of Orlando. In this story, the case will be about the shop that would be broken into and to stop the crazy things around town. For 12 weeks the police will be up to investigating the scene and trying to stop all of the city's nonsense. The police might happen to be doing all of this work for nothing; the vandalizer might happen to disappear into Orlando, Florida's nightly sky to be forgotten about. The most intense part of the story will be seeing who it is and what damage they have done.

The Story Begins...

One day They all decided to meet up; Karen was acting suspicious so they were all at Shelly's house and Shelly said: "Welcome to my house, these are my parents Tom and Celine." Matt said, "Oh my gosh me and Shelly have been long time friends since the second grade back in elementary school." Karen decided that she was not going to say anything because she was planning stuff in her dear friend Shelly's house. Karen said, "I am hungry and I do not mean to disturb the peace." Shelly said, "Karen shut up my parents are going to yell at me, they do not like it when we ask for food!" Karen went on and asked Shelley's parents "hey do not mean to bother you but where are the bathrooms perhaps?" Shelly's parents simply told her "it is upstairs and to your right; first doot on the left!" Shelly and Matt were in the backyard on the swingset and Matt said to Shelly "Alright Shelly I have got to get going it is simply passed my bedtime."

Early the next day Shelly's parents woke up to a loud bang in the basement. Tom and Celine went on to call the cops. The cops came and asked, "What is your problem and where is your evidence." Celine said, "Our problem is we've been hearing some strange noises in our basement; we have got no clue what it is!" Then Tom says "We do not currently have any evidence; let us take a look down in the basement now shall we?" The police, Shelly's mom and dad go downstairs in the dark, cold, and creepy basement. Meanwhile, Shelly wakes up and gets ready for school and hears the tragedy of Matt's parents. Shelly makes a phone call to Matt and says "I'm sorry for your parent's tragedy, nobody deserves to go through this and since you are I will excuse you from school!" Matt gets all excided and freaks out. Then Matt says "Oh my gosh thank you so much, Shelly! I can not wait to get excused from school!" A couple of hours pass and Karen and Shelly get to their fourth hours and Karen does not show up. The rest of the day goes on and Shelly goes home and then Celine says "Shelly what was in the basement?" Shelly says "Mom I have absolutely no idea." Shelly's mom says well Karen was in the basement trying to steal our things!" Celine also says "She's also in Juvenile and will be in court later tonight." Shelly went to sleep that night and got a notification saying "hey Shelly I'm out of jail." Shelly got scared and blocked Karen McEntire from her phone. A few days went by and it happened to be December 25, 2004. They all heard a noise but did not think anything of it. Little did they know it was Karen McEntire. Karen had got into the house and took a little over half of their presents. They all got up and went to open presents and most of them were gone. Celine and Tom called Matt over to watch the house with Shelly. They were all at her house and suddenly Matt was taken out of his misery. Nobody knew until Shelly called Matt Corona to come upstairs when she had seen Karen. Karen had a baseball bat in her hand and was yelling "Shelly Your next!" Celine and Tom had gotten home and called an ambulance. They said, "nine one one what's your emergency." Celine said we need paramedics right now; no excuses!" They said, "alright we will be there within five minutes."

Time had passed and the paramedics had arrived. They burst into the house with the portable bed and took Matt Corona with them. Everyday Shelly asked "Mom can I go visit Matt in the hospital?" Celine always said, "No Shelly you can not he is recovering; He sadly might not make it!" A few weeks later Shelly's mom's shop was broken into and they all suspected it was Karen. Celine says "I'm going to my shop and I will get that child." They all calm down and he cops take Karen into solitary confinement where she will spend the next eighteen months. They go to the hospital where they find out Matt Corona has brain cancer. Shelly says "Matt I hope you get better soon, you don't deserve this!" They go to school and the teacher says "You will be doing online work so you don't have to deal with students anymore" Shelly says "that is fine with me I really do not care!" Shelly goes home to find out her parents are not returning. Shelly has to go to an orphanage where she will become an orphan. She goes to the orphanage and yells "I hope I can find my forever home soon I do not care!" Nine weeks go by and she has found a home. Shelly said to her new parents Tommy and Celine, "Hi mommy and daddy it's nice to see you again after nine weeks!" Shelly said, "I love the old house we used to live in and I can't believe you sold the house!" "We are getting it back or else..."

To not be continued

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