The Crucible - Portters Version

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McCarthyism and "The Crucible" are similar because in the crucible they are convicting people of witchcraft and McCarthyism is where people were blacklisted. McCarthyism people were blacklisted and were going to be convicted of communism and then they were going to be told that they had committed treason and were going to get in trouble by the federal government.

John Proctor is kind, Honest, and service-oriented.

John Proctor is kind to those around him. Proctor says "I forbid you leave the house, did I not? (Miller 1245)" So I think that he said that because he doesn't want Mary to be convicted of witchcraft and killed. Mary refuses to listen and this gets her in trouble in the end.

I chose that quote because Proctor is trying to keep people safe. He is trying to be kind and nice to those around him. Proctor says "Girl, what ails you? Stop that wailing! (Miller 1247)" I think that Proctor says that because if Abigail doesn't stop screaming and wailing as it says in the play, then she will be caught and then they will think something is wrong so then they will be convicted of witchcraft.

Proctor is honest because when he goes to court he is honest about what he is saying. "Your Honor... he has the story in confidence, sir, and he...(Miller 38 canvas PDF)" He is saying how Danforth is honest and whatever he is saying is true. He is trying to back up Danforth and is trying to get him to win the case. He does not want anyone to be convicted of witchcraft because the consequence is horrid. "Ay, sir. She swears now that she never saw Satan; nor any spirit, vague or clear, that Satan may have sent to hurt her. And she declares her friends are lying now." (Miller 39 canvas PDF) He is saying how she never saw satan because if she were to see satan she would be convicted of witchcraft and would be killed such as being hung or burned at the stake. She never saw satan because she doesn't want to be killed and so Proctor is protecting her such as backing her up.

I think that overall Proctor is a good person because he is all about saving people and is trying to get everyone to survive. This is not a good place to live in because anything you do is going to get you convicted and any movement is going to get you killed. There is no safe way out and so you want people to back you up. If you can get someone to back you up then you will most likely survive. Hale is trying to help other people get to the "other side" of witchcraft. Without Hale, most people in the Salem, Mass. area would be left for dead. He saved so many people by being there and making sure that people were doing the right thing at the right time. 

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