Portter's initiative plan 101

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Name (s) Portter Horton
Class period: 2
Date: 3/21/22

Initiative Project

Action plan name
Portter's Initiative plan 101

The problem is that things are blocking the road such as fences on a corner or trees/nature on the corner so
If you come up to an intersection and there isn't a 4 way stop you could end up getting T-boned and then next
Thing you know your insurance goes skyrocketing and with the rate inflation is going you're going broke and

Proposed initiative:
The law I am going to propose is that any intersection is subject to searching and if there
Isn't a 4-way stop then there needs to be. The city is gonna have to get up and do something for once because
We all know that they don't do anything so this will be the first thing that they will do.

Action plan:
To try to get this law to pass I would go and make petitions and I would try to make this as interactive as
Possible such as using QR codes, online petitions, etc. and then I would try to give it to the government
Such as the city or state. The more people I can get to help me and share it the more of a chance we have to
Get it to pass because America is a country by the people and we're going to get what we want.
to. Things that I am going to do/reward for following the law is absolutely nothing other than the people having
the satisfaction of not crashing their cars because then there will be a 4-way stop to prohibit that. You won't
Have to have your insurance skyrocket and you won't be homeless on the side of the street but you following
The law is all up to you and you get to make the decision if you want to risk your car or not. If you don't want to
Follow the law then there is chance whether or not you will crash your car but that's all up to you

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