Chernobyl Informative Essay

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Chernobyl Disaster

Chernobyl was a disaster that happened on April 26, 1986. There was 1 reactor that exploded and destroyed Chernobyl and has made it uninhabitable for over 20,000 years. The president said that they would be back in a few days to find out they would never return again. They had been learning how to use gas masks and things to use in case Chernobyl exploded. If you were to go back to Chernobyl today, everything would still be there only because nobody would be able to return. This has not been the worst tragedy to strike the world but Chernobyl was and still is the most popular nuclear explosion that most people know about. Scientists are finding tumors in children under 18 from radiation which was caused by the explosion aftermath and It is more common in children than adults. 10 years ago they were still finding tumors and things like that in people who were at or near Chernobyl. After Chernobyl exploded they were finding it all over the northern hemisphere and they aren't sure if it came to the United States but it is highly possible.

In May 1986 the Press wrote that an invisible cloud of radiation had covered the world meaning that if it rained it would contaminate water all over the world so it wasn't safe. It was so bad that according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Over 7,700 square miles of Europe was contaminated with radiation from Chernobyl itself. This land once again will NOT be able to be used for over 20,000 years from the heavy amount of radiation all because of 1 person's mistake of going cheap. This is a reason why we can't have nice things and we need to work together because like people always say "Bigger is always better."

Next, we have to talk about the plants of Chernobyl. The plants of Chernobyl are currently thriving in the radiation which is good for the environment. The Molecular Aspects of Plant Adaption at Chernobyl is a plant and environmental that goes and studies plants and how they do in bad situations. They have come out and studied how the plants are growing and surviving in high levels of radiation. Apparently, the plant's DNA has gene expressions that changes their chemistry and makes them more resistant to damage in the wildlife. That means that it is harder for the plants and flowers in Chernobyl to die compared to a normal flower or plant that you have in your yard at your house.

This is a shock to the public because I did not know about the plants and flowers in Chernobyl until I did some required research on the topic of Chernobyl. Chernobyl has caught the attention of so many people across the world and still does today and will always catch the attention of the public. Management Institutions closed across the world and would later reopen to the public. Chernobyl had exploded during a test run at low power. It had gotten out of control and would never again be in use. The explosion would cause wildfires and radiation in surrounding areas. Ukraine would never be the same again and people would see Ukraine as the Chernobyl explosion site. Today, Tours are available to go and visit Chernobyl but you must have a tour guide and a lot of money because it is not cheap to get in for a tour.

PSA: If you want a video about Chernobyl you can go to YouTube and type "What is it like inside Chernobyl" and the video is by some YouTubers Kara and Nate

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