How much are our lives worth?

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Portter Horton


2nd Hour

The Value of Life

How much is a life worth? There are so many ways to show how much a life is worth and that can be shown by how much the government thinks you are worth; it can be by someone showing you appreciation, or this can be shown by someone asking how your day is!! Most importantly, how much is a life worth to you?

Life is a rollercoaster and so much can happen in so little time. Life can get crazy and as humans, we go through so much and that can change us for the better or for the worse, but in the end it changes us and makes us into who we are today! Life to me is worth so much because we learn so much and it gives us so many opportunities to learn and it gives us so many opportunities to meet new people and to become something. We could be anything we want to be if we try hard enough and if we want it bad enough, but that's up to us and how much effort we are willing to put into our lives.

Assigning the value of life is very complicated because there's not really a way to determine that. Determination is so hard because it depends on what the person has been through to me personally. If they've been to war and have been wounded then that just makes someone worth so much more. How a person acts such as them being super happy and always in the right mindset and being positive about life all the time makes someone worth so much more and makes them stand out so much more than everyone else. In life "Everyday is a Bonus!" (Demler) and we are so lucky to be alive and are lucky to be able to live another day because you never know if you will get another day. Each day is a gift, and we should treat it as if it's our last and make the most of it. Everyone says that but it's so hard to live each day as if it's our last because this world isn't the best but even though it's hard some days, we can still do things we like or be around the people we love and that is, to me, enough on the hard days.

Being alive can be hard, but to me being alive is breathing. Being alive is being able to do what you want and definitely when you want it. If you want to go to the movie theater, then you best believe that you're going to go. It can also mean taking risks such as jumping off a bridge or going to the lottery. Being alive can also mean serving others, such as making your elderly neighbors cookies, or raking the leaves in your backyard for your parents. Whatever the case may be, this is being alive! In the movie "Mully" which takes place in Kenya, a guy named Charles Mully opened an orphanage to house those that didn't have a home and he became super successful and his orphanage has grown into so much and is still a thing today! He goes around to random cities with no destination in mind and finds homeless kids off the side of the street to give them shelter, food, and water and a home like they've never experienced before. Those selfless acts to me are alive and we could use more of it and are in desperate need of selfless acts in this world right now.

Life can be hard like I have previously talked about but there are ways to get over it and the most efficient way for me personally is to wait it out but Mike Rowe said that he thought of his mom and dad and that they would be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary alone (Rowe) which is sad and most people who think life is hard because they are alone and want someone to talk to or are just going through a hard time in their life but it does eventually get easier... eventually.

In conclusion, life is a rollercoaster, but it's both good and bad! It shapes us into what we're supposed to be and gives a better perspective on everything honestly. Not everyday is going to be good but if you can make the most of your bad days it will be pretty good all the time, but don't let people say things to you and let it get to your head because that's another way to ruin your day and it happens too frequently.

Works cited!!

Behnken, Lukas. Haze, Scott. Shay, Elissa. Mully. 2015. Amazon Prime

Rowe, Mike. "Safety Third." 2020.

Hayes, Dan. Broga, Clay. Director. Honor Flight. 2012. Prime Video

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