Narrative Final Draft - Portter Horton

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My life sounds like...

In my life, you will hear a LOT of music because that is a portion of my life. You would also hear the clicking of a computer mouse because I like to go places on google maps. I like to travel but don't have money or time for that so in my free time I go to google maps.

Like I said before I like to travel but I can't so I go on google maps. My plan is to go to Chicago, Illinois in the next 79 days on google maps because that is when school gets out for the summer. It takes over 20 hours to get there in person and so it will probably take double that so I am excited about my plan. I would like to be anywhere other than Utah because I don't like it here and would rather be in the midwest where I was born so that is also one reason why I am planning on going there from google maps. In real life, in 79 days I am legit leaving with my dad and siblings for the summer so I am so excited for that. There is so much more to do there than there is here in Utah. When driving through Nebraska I am so scared because there is supposed to be more tornadoes than normal and last time I went through Nebraska the roads started flooding and the wind was so bad that it started to drag the wheels off the road and it was extremely difficult to keep it on the road but we made it safely.

I also liked when we drove through Iowa at like 5:30 AM and the sun was rising and it smelled like a nice fresh morning and it was the best thing ever. The smell was so good that if they made a candle I would pay 1 Million dollars for it. It is the best smell ever. I also like driving through the states because you get to see things that you wouldn't see if you were flying on a plane. It is also good because you are trapped on the interstate with your family and the siblings you hate most. In the long run, I would do it again and again because it is a good experience and you get to hear things that you wouldn't hear if you were at your house or anywhere else. The more bored everyone is the better the experience is and the more fun the 20-hour trip becomes.

Music is also a thing about me. It kind of goes hand in hand with the last paragraph. When I drive through the states this year for my first time I will need to listen to music because if not I will most likely fall asleep because I need background music. I also like music because when I am doing chores or other things like that then I have to listen to music or I get bored and won't do it. I love music so much that I have a playlist with over 900 songs that I have added in the last year. I just think that music is a great tool for a lot of different things and I do not know how I would go without it. I spend lots of hours listening to it each and every day. Surfaces or Avril Lavigne is some good music that is my go-to when I do listen to music. It is like the best thing and it is so good and 10/10. The only time I don't listen to music is when I am on the computer and have nothing to do because when I do listen to music I have to be doing something or it isn't good. I don't know why I even do that but I guess it is a habit.

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