wrong ~ hyunjin (part 16)

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A few days passed and you get really bored. Chan sent Felix on another mission because he still doesn't trust him.
Felix was sad, because that means that he won't be able to see you for more than a week, but you told him that it's okay and that you'll be fine.
You promised him to find a way to get company.
But you still feel lonely.
Your brother is always at work and your parents aren't home as well.
So you stayed in your bed for the past three days.
You read, ate, watched a movie and cried over the sad ending.
But on the fourth day, you got tired of the same routine.
So you decided to at least go out for the next few hours.
You make yourself look kind of acceptable and go out.
It wasn't cold outside but wasn't warm either.
At least the sun is shining a bit, wich makes your mood go up.
You walk around the beach a little and watch the waves collide with the sand.
You never thought you would like it so much to be out alone.
Of course you have fun with Felix and you like spending time with him, but going out like that and she is shutting of your mind was perfect.
But after a while you get hungry, because you skipped breakfast today so you decided to go into a cute café near the beach. The Café was small with a few tables.
It looked cute with the soft colours and you love the sweet smell of the cake.
You get your order and sit down at a table near the window.
It has a good view tight to the beach, so you can continue to watch the waves while eating your food.
Just until you hear a voice right beside you.
"Hey Y/n, can I sit here with you?"
The moment that you look up to the person, you almost choke your food.
Hyunjin standing in front of you with a cake and a cup of Coffee in his hands in both his hands.
Your eyes widen as you feel your hands shaking. He looks at you, waiting for a response.
"Y-Yes, of course."
There is it again. The stuttering.
He smiled and sat down in front of you.
"Hey um, I want to apologise for the thing in the club. I didn't mean it. I was just to drunk."
You shake your head, no wanting to think about that.
"It's okay. Don't worry about that."
He takes a sip from his coffee and looks at you again, slightly chewing on his lips.
"How about we start again? I mean starting of new and forgetting the past."
You think about his words.
Everyone needs a second chance but does he really deserve it?
As he could read your mind, he answers your question.
"I mean it, I really do. I know you think of me as an asshole, everyone does that but I really want to change.
No. I'm going to change."
He smiles, so truthfully. His little dimples appear.
"I really want a second Chance, I really do, please."
You sigh, having a good heart.
"Okay, one last chance. But if you mess up again, you won't get another one."
He nods and smiles happily now.
"Okay, since we are already here, let's just spend the day together, okay?"
You nod and start to eat your food again.
A day with Hyunjin? With only him?
Well that would be interesting.
It turned out that he was one of the sweetest humans you ever met.
I mean, sometimes he still throws comments at you that just make you wanna throw up, but after all you can say, he's so nice.
You spent all the day together with getting to know each other more and you really enjoyed it.
You enjoy talking with him and you really enjoy his whole presence.
"Why aren't you on the mission?",you ask while walking along the dark streets with him.
"Because the mission is only for the people who need a punishment."
You sigh while shaking your head.
"Felix already had a punishment."
"Y/n, he sneaked our at night, risking our enemies to see and follow him.
They would've found our hiding place. It's more dangerous than you think."
You nod, but you're still sad you can't see your best friend anymore.
"Moreover whatever he told you about us. Thats dangerous too."
You look at him, seeing slight fear in his eyes.
"Why?", you ask before slightly looking around you two.
"Because enemies are everywhere."
The next thing you feel is a hand over your mouth and your eyes.
You try to scream, scream for help, for hyunjin but you feel yourself getting dizzy and you eventually pass out.

Wrong ~ Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now