wrong ~ hyunjin (part 3)

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After the incident yesterday you can't think of anything else.
You knew the voice of the boy but you just couldn't remember who he was. You lay in your bed, staring at the ceiling and replaying the scenario from yesterday over and over.
You can literally still feel his grip on your wrist and you slightly touch it and sigh.
"You almost died yesterday.", you say to yourself.
"But this boy...this boy saved you. You need to find him!"
You sit up again and search for your phone, that was placed beside you and plays soft music.
"I really need to find him."
You walk outside with your Phone against your ear. "Hey bro. I just have a little question."
There's a short silence before your brother answers.
"What is it?"
You look at the dark streets and just continue to walk into the town.
"What's the most popular club literally everyone goes to?"
Your brother huffs out a laugh
"You want to go in a club? You? What happened? Did you take any drugs?"
You roll your eyes a bit.
"Just answer my question."
"Okay, then my dear sister, it's the club at the beach. Everyone loves it."
You sigh because the walk to the club takes really long.
"Thank you. Bye bye."
And with that you just end the call and walk there.
After around 30 minutes you arrive there and sigh as you see some people standing outside to smoke.
You just walk past them and right into the club.
The loud music and the bright flashlights hurt your ears and eyes.
The amount of people just gives you an anxiety but somehow you need to find the boy.
How? You don't even know. You can't go to every single person and ask them if they can talk to you so you can listen to their voice and say if it's the boy or not.
That would be stupid, but how else can you do it?Just in that moment someone grabs your wrist and you look down at the hand before looking into the eyes of a boy.
Wait. You saw him before.
It's the boy from the store. The boy who hypnotised you with his eyes.
He smirks a bit clearly remembering you again and pulling you closer to his body.
You try not to look in his eyes, softly pushing him away from you but he fastly pulls you back closer and lean down to your ear.
"Come on sweetie, let's have fun on the dance floor.",he sais Into your ear.
You shake your head.
"I'm not here to have fun, I'm here to find someone. I'm sorry."
You push him away and instead of continuing to search for the boy you walk outside the club and breath in and out..."Okay now I need a solid plan. What can I do to find him?", you talk to yourself again as you walk up and down trying to get a clear mind.
"Find who?", a voice suddenly asks you from behind. Wait. You know that voice. It's the boy from yesterday. You turn around immediately and look into his eyes.
"It's you.", you wisper.
It's the boy from the store.
Yes, now everything makes more sense.
He just huffs out a laugh.
"Who else should I be?"
"You're the boy from yesterday, who I saved and who saved me as well.He looks deeply into your eyes.
"You didn't help me.", he said with a cold tone in his voice.
"Why are you so sensitive about people helping you?" He rolls his eyes.
"I'm not." You sigh."Whatever, have a nice day I'm leaving now."
"Wait.", he screams after you.You look at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Why don't you stay and have fun with me?"
A visible grin forms on his lips wich makes you hold your breath...

Wrong ~ Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now