wrong ~ hyunjin (part 6)

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You stand there at the bar in your tight outfit with you brother, waiting for your drink.He looks at you sometimes and scans the look in your eyes.
"Do you like it?", he asks after a while over the music. You shrug a bit and look into the crowd.
"It's very loud and a little too crowded, but the decoration is pretty."
He laughs a bit and shakes his head.
"Believe me when you drank 2 cocktails everything will only get better.
But don't drink too much, I don't want you to throw up."
He nods at his words, knowing you won't even think about drinking a lot again after your last hangover.
Your drinks arrive and you take yours to nip on it. And as soon as the liquid is in your mouth, you widen your eyes.
"This is delicious."
Your brother laughs again and takes a sip from his drink as well.
"I knew you would like it."
You drink a bigger sip, smiling at the taste.
The last time you drank something was with Hyunjin and everything tasted disgusting to you, but you continued drinking because of if the feeling of being tipsy was the best feeling ever. So you empty your glass and ask the barkeeper for another one.
After a while your brother stands on the dance floor, having fun with some random people.
And you?
You just sit at the bar, drinking your 4. cocktail and feeling the alcohol in your body.
The tipsy feeling comes back and you smile slightly, knowing you should stop after that drink because else you would get drunk again.
But you order another one anyways.
Right then when you have it in your hand again you see someone and widen your eyes at them.
It's Hyunjin's gang. And if they are here that means... hyunjin must be here as well.
So you take your purse and your glass in your hand and walk over to them.
Still tipsy but with a lot of confidence from the alcohol in your body.
They see you approaching them and one of them even recognises you.
"Hey that's the girl from the shop."
You look at all of them but hyujinis no where to be seen.
"What do you want little one?", you shudder a bit at the nickname but brush it away.
"Where's hyunjin." They start laughing style you.
"Have you fallen for him or why are you so obsessed with him?", one with a skorpion right above his eyes ask you.
You shake your head violently.
"I just have to get some things straight with him."
"Okay, since your not in love with him...", a boy with red hair sais.
"He's over there."
He points into a direction and you follow his finger. He points directly at hyunjin, but what he's doing there lets you stop breathing for a moment. He makes out, with a girl in a short red dress. But the make out is wild and full of passion. You remember the way his lips felt on yours, the passion he put in there. His hands on your waist and his tongue playing with yours.
But he's doing all that with someone else now and you feels so...you feel so used.
And that's the worst feeling you ever had in your body.
You empty your glass with one sip and throw it on the ground.
Some of the boys start laughing a bit behind you. "Wow, she really is something. I can tell why hyunjin was interested in her."
In that moment hyunjin looks at you, it was pure coincidence that his eyes met yours.
He looks up and down at you, taking in your tight outfit and biting his lips a little.
But he gets distracted by the girl kissing his neck. He turns to her again and just attacks her lips again, grabbing her waist and letting one hand sliding down her ass.
You get mad, as well disappointed of him.
You want to go there, tear him away from her.
You want to be her so badly.
You want to feel his hands on your body again, his lips on yours and his breath against your skin. But you can't take the sight anymore, so you just walk away.
Away from the party along the beach. You can hear the gang members calling after you and throwing some comments at you, but you just ignore them.
The only thing you want is to forget everything.
So you continue to walk until you see a little blanket on the beach.
Someone must've forgot it here and you take the opportunity to sit down.
You're far away from the party, not even the loud music reaches you anymore.
You look at the stars, how they light up the whole sky. The moon, wich is even brighter.
It's full moon and you think it's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.
You listen to the waves of the ocean crashing into the sand and making a relaxing sound.
For a short moment you really forget everything. All your worries and all your problems. You just take in the moment you have with yourself.
Without a book or music playing.
Just you and the nature.
"Hey...", a quiet voice speaks softly behind you.
"Can I sit here with you?"

Wrong ~ Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now