wrong ~ hyunjin (part 7)

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You look at the black haired boy. His eyes really lay on you, making you sigh. You move a bit o the side of the blanket, making him space to sit down.
He sits down, looking at you and wanting to get your attention.
But you just continue staring into the sky not saying anything.
Hyunjin sighs and plays with his hands. You smile as you remember the story about the stars from your grandpa.
"You know, my grandpa ones told me a story about the stars."
He looks at you again, waiting for you to continue to speak.
"You see the billions of stars in the sky?", you shortly look at him just to see he nod.
"These all are humans who lived on earth. When a human dies he becomes a star. And my grandpa always said that when he will die, he will be a star as well.
He will look after me and give me advices from up there.", you sigh, gulping at the thought.
"You see that bright star, beside the moon?"
He nods again and softly looks at you.
"I believe this is my grandpa.
He watches me and gives me advises to the right things."
Hyunjin takes your hand in his, making you look at him now.
"I'm sorry to hear this, but Y/n I believe that he's very proud of you.
He must have been a very great person telling you all this, so I bet he is the brightest star on the night sky." You nod and smile slightly at him.
"Thank you."
He nods again and still keeps your hand in his.
"Y/n? Why did you run away after swing me and this girl?"
You stop breathing for a second and look at the sky again.
"If I'm being honest, I don't know. I didn't wanted to watch you eating this girl alive."
He bites his lips and sighs
"Do you have feelings for me?"
"Feelings?", you repeat and laugh a bit.
"No, I don't have feelings for you."
He raises his eyebrow and rolls smiling his eyes.
"Good to know.", he intertwines his fingers with you.You look at your hands and then at hyunjins eyes.
"What are you doing?"
"Intertwining our hands?Or are you blind?"
You roll your eyes with a smile and look in his eyes again.
"Hyunjin don't play tricks with me."
"I am not! I just feel like it's the right thing to do. Am I not allowed to be nice to you."
You bit your lip and raise one eyebrow.
"You are, but hyunjin I know you know.
This is just a trick to get into my pants.
You're normally not that nice."
He just chuckles and and leans his head on your shoulder.
"Y/n,you are different, so different from every other human. You're excited and interesting.
I like to spend time with you, because you don't throw yourself on me whenever I say something. You're not obsessed with me, but right now you treat me like a normal human.
I don't get this opportunity a lot, because everyone else treats me as a hero or as an asshole."
You nod, understanding him in some way.
He's in a gang, you know he has his problems with drug dealers and you saw the girl who was fully into him.
He must really enjoy being treated as a normal person. He puts his arm around you, softly pulling you towards him.
But it wasn't an attempt to get in your pants, it was just a longing for personal attention.
You smile as you feel his head snuggling more into your shoulder.
You also put his arm around him, allowing him to lay down with you and pulling your head on his chest.
He plays with your hair making you close your eyes.
"Hyunjin? What happened after the night in the club? Why was I suddenly at home in my bed?"
You can feel him chuckling.
"You were really drunk. You pulled me outside after we kissed.
We walked a bit along the beach, you were a giggling mess. You kissed me again, this time even more passionate. You wanted me to come home with you and I didn't wanted to say no to that. We wanted to walk to my apartment but on the way there you tree up into a bush.
You looked so pale and clearly not right in your mind. So I took your phone and you told me the password. I got your address and I brought you back home. I unlocked the door with your keys and you did the rest."
You hide your face in his chest in embarrassment.
"God, this is so embarrassing",you wisper.
He just chuckles and holds you closer.
The rest of the day you spent to heater with Hyunjin. You lay with him a little more on the blanket on the beach before you go back to the party. You only dance with Hyunjin.
The whole night was only filled with you dancing together and smiling at each other.
You couldn't believe that Hyunjin really has that nice and soft side, but you like it.
You like this side of him and you wish you could see it more often.
But unfortunately you have to leave with your brother.
You wave a goodbye at Hyunjin and start walking home with your bro.
"I hope you liked it Y/n."
"I did. Thanks for taking me with you."

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