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Daisy kept giving me meaningful looks which my parents luckily ignored. We ate dinner as usual, except that I was much more quiet and distant. I was trying to figure out how to come out to my parents, and stressing over the fact that Kade hadn't reply to any of the memes I sent him but he had been active on Instagram.

"Zac, is anything wrong?" Mami asked as we put away the dishes.

It's now or never.

Before I lose my nerves I blurted out, "I'm bisexual,"

My parents stopped cleaning up the table, Daisy continued to wash the dishes. I stood there awkwardly, looking at the dishes like they held all the answers.

"I'll go back up into my room, I have homework," I couldn't take the silence, I tried not to run back up, a burning feeling in my throat.

I laid on my bed and stared at my ceiling, what if they disown me, what if they send me away to those camps, maybe I can say its just a joke, or that I still have chances of liking a girl? Oh god if my parents can't accept me then why will Kade ever?

The burning feeling spread from my throat to my gut and then stomach, like lava pouring down my throat. I tried to ignore the feeling by scrolling through social media, but nothing could distract my distraughted mind or the scorching feeling spreading throughout my entire body.

I could barely hear the knock and register replying, I assumed it was Daisy, maybe she came up to tell me how my parents reacted.

"Zac?" Mami said gently, I bolted up. Both my parents were in my room and they had sucked out all the air in it.

"We-we are very glad that you tell us, and we are so sorry for reacting that way just now, we did not know how to. It is, shocking news, we, just what we want to say is that we support you no matter what and still love you whatever your sexual preferences are, whether boys or girls." Mami said, and the words breathed air back into my lungs.

"I- thank you, I thought that you guys," I couldn't say it out loud, because if I did, it may come true.

"We will always love you no matter what, you are our child, our boy, our Zac." Mami's soft eyes were full of understanding and I didn't realise that tears were running down my face until I felt the coldness on my cheeks.

"Oh Zacharias come here," my dad finally spoke, spreading out his arms. I didn't hesitate to go in and mami joined us. It was the best hug I had ever received. I buried my head on their shoulders despite the height difference, their arms holding me up like how they had since I was born.

Then we sat down on my bed and they asked when did I found out, I told them that it was summer, just a few months ago. They replied that they wished that I had told them sooner.

"So are there any boys that made you realised that you are bisexual?" Dad asked teasingly.

My pause told them enough but they didn't pushed me, and that gave me the courage to tell them, "Kade," I mumbled.

"Have you told him yet?" Dad asked.


"So that is why you suddenly wanted to go Hong Kong with us when you were suppose to go on a road trip with Kade," mami exclaimed,

I nodded, I didn't know how to face Kade after I realised I like him as more than a friend. I thought a vacation would make the feelings disappear. It didn't, I just missed Kade even more and the feelings somehow grew if it was possible.

My parents stayed with me for a while, then they hugged me again and leave me alone to figure things out.

"Don't stay up too late," mami said before closing the door softly.


I was so lucky to have such accepting parents, I couldn't imagine what I would do if they didn't accept me. I was so glad I told them, I could never hide something this big from them. With a much lighter heart, I checked my phone again and Kade had finally replied to my memes. Another weight was lifted off me, we were back to normal, and that was all I'd ever asked for.

Maybe if we could be more.

No, I could not be so greedy and wish for more, maybe if he asked about it I could just say he was drunk or hopefully he doesn't bring it up. That night I slept easily, no lingering questions and what ifs keeping me up. Except a tiny voice that refused to be extinguished.

What if he also likes you? He kissed you back, it must have meant something.

What if we could be something more?

That NightHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin