"What the fuck is going on?" I muttered as I covered my ears. I knelt down covering both my ears groaning. The glass shattered above me, I moved quickly to the door, the glass shattered there blowing me back, I sat on the ground covered in shards of glass. I pulled myself up quickly and looked around, my blue eyes trailed outside to see a pay phone. I grabbed my stuff quickly and made my way out of the gas station. I tried to dial Sam's number, then Dean's; they were both disconnected.

"Damn it." I muttered, I glanced around for a second after I hung up the phone. "Bobby." Quickly picking up the phone again and placing the change into the machine, I dialed Bobby's number. It rang once before Bobby picked up.

"Yeah?" His voice answered, I swore I almost cried.

"Bobby?" The question spewed out of my mouth quickly. "It's me."

"Who's me?" He questioned back.

"Ken. McKenna." After I said that he hung up the phone. I grunted and hit the receiver, put another coin in and dialed his number again.

"Who is this?" Bobby's voice sounded mad and upset.

"Bobby, listen to me." I begged him.

"This ain't funny. Call again and I'll kill you." With that he hung up. I grunted with a sigh and slammed the phone on the receiver. I turned my head and looked at the car that was parked out front.

"Well, Dean. What you taught me is about to shine." I huffed out grabbing my stuff, thankfully the car was unlocked, I ripped out the panel under the steering wheel and pulled out the wires and started to hotwire the car. After about 10 minutes the car roared to life. "Awesome." I hummed as I fully got in and started my drive over to Bobby's.

        Finally Bobby's house was in the distance, the radio was turned off, because all I could pick up was country music. The radio turned on by itself.

"No, no, knock it off!" I yelled at the radio, almost as if it was listening to me, it went quiet. Huffing quietly, I sped up the car quickly trying to get to Bobby's sooner. I pulled up into the driveway, and walked up the steps, my knuckles tapped on the door. The door opened to reveal Bobby, his eyes narrowed at me as he stared at me. "Surprise." I say with a small smile.

"I don't..." Bobby muttered backing away. I watched his body language, his hands.

"Yeah, me neither." I muttered, my eyes leaving his hands to meet his eyes. I stepped through the doorway carefully. "But here I am." I looked down at his hand as he swung a knife at me, I was able to use my forearm to push his arm up and away from me as I ducked away. We started to fight.

"Bobby, it's me. I swear." I say to him, as I crouched low, waiting for him to swing again.

"My ass." He said as he stalked towards me. I grabbed a chair and placed it in between us.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait!" I yelled at him. "Your name is Robert Steven Singer. You became a hunter after your wife got possessed. You are the closest thing I have to a father. You call me Mouse as a nickname, you used to sing me a Lullaby called the Sleepsong." My mouth quickly sputtered out. "Bobby, it's me." I held my hands out to him, still crouched down. He walked towards me, his hand met my face before trailing down to my shoulder, his hand gripped the fabric of my flannel before he swung the knife again, I wrapped his arms around back after I grabbed them. "I am not a shapeshifter!" I yelled.

"Then you're a Revenant!" He yelled back. I quickly took the knife from his hand, I rolled up my sleeve showing him as I cut my.

"I wouldn't be able to do that if I was one of those." I hissed out, as I stared at him.

Heaven's Door *Castiel*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant