you're sick

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You threw your head back with a groan. You've been sick for the last few days, each day seeming to be worst than the last.

Your girlfriend, Taylor, laid beside you, rubbing your back every time you'd sneeze or cough. She can only imagine how miserable you must be feeling and was trying anything she could to help you feel better.

She reached over and put her hand on your forehead only to feel that your fever has gotten worse. "You're burning up, y/n." She murmured, running her fingers through your hair to brush it away from your face. "I feel gross."

Taylor just stared at you with a soft look in her eyes. "Well, you definitely don't look gross." You rolled your eyes but still cracked a small smile before you began to cough into your elbow. Taylor rubbed your back through it, a small and comforting reminder that you weren't alone.

"Do you need anything, y/n?" You took a moment to catch your breath. You closed your eyes when they started to feel heavy but opened them a few seconds later to look at Taylor.

"Can you hold me?" Taylor nodded and held her arms open for you. She smiled to herself when you crawled right into them and laid your head on her shoulder.

You felt her start to caress your warm cheek and as you always did, you leaned right into her touch. "Get some rest. I'll be here if you need anything." She said as she watched you close your eyes. She hated seeing you feeling so terrible and hoped you'd start to feel like your normal self again soon.

Taylor Hill Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now