Act 2, Scene 9

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Dear father,

I actually wrote a wonderful draft before this but decided it was too good for you and scrapped it. I must admit to feeling resentful for many terrible choices you've made in your life.

I wish I could say 'fuck you' and that you never did anything right but I can't. Remember that one day you threatened to smack me with a wooden sword but instead slapped me in the face? I remember mother threatened a divorce if you did that ever again. That wooden sword came in a set that I bought for Jared.

If only that were my only memory of you. It would be a lot easier to hate you, you know?

But it's not.

In grade 9  I remember  bringing home a terrible history mark. And I was an A+ student, it was quite discouraging. After, you took it upon yourself to tutor me to perfection. Just what every kid wants to do on the day of their best friend's funeral.

Did you know that I used to look up to you? I wanted to be just as smart as you when I grew up. I once told you when I was fourteen that I was so excited to go to university because I'd finally be smart enough to hold a conversation with you. Do you remember what you told me?

You said, "you're not stupid for not understanding, you're merely taking the first step towards comprehension."

I reused your words and relayed that message to Jared.  And I never understood why you were so hard on him until now.

Lots of kids with autism get it from one of their parents. You and Jared were the same weren't you? You grew up with autism and seeing it in your son made you want to push him as much as possible. Mother told me that you were bullied a lot as a kid and I always thought it was because you were an asshole. Never would I have suspected it was because you were autistic yourself.

I guess that's why you and Jared share so many mannerisms.

As my deceased best friend would always say, "Relationships are the hardest thing in the world and people, the most complicated—-Did I ever tell you about my super-nice-kind-but-racist uncle?"

So people can have a combination of traits, some better than others and I realize now that it's okay. Still doesn't mean that people can be assholes and claim it's who they are though... but now that I think about it, you weren't ever an intentional asshole. I think.

My resentment started in high school, I believe, because you always made me feel stupid-I'm not stupid.

You were always a practical person, even as a doctor. Still, how could you  do that to Jared?! He was vulnerable. He needed you! And you wanted to end his life and give up on him? Maybe you aren't a complete douche. Fine!  But that doesn't excuse the fact you almost murdered your son. Didn't you vow as a doctor not to do any harm?

This letter is getting increasingly more exhausting to write so I'll just say this:

I do kinda love you. You're my dad after all...

Don't forget your wife's birthday again and actually do things for special occasions. Woo her. It's not too late to try.

Be patient with Jared, I'm sure you would've liked someone to be patient with you as a child.

Don't pressure Natasha.

Treat your wife better.

With a mix of emotions,

Elizabeth Collins

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