Act 2, Scene 5

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Dear mother,

I hope this letter finds you in good health, and  that you are willing to hear me out. Our last encounter was not one of the most amiable, I confess, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving. I don't think I'll come ever be coming back.

Before leaving there is something that I couldn't leave unresolved. Actually, there's a few things. One being that I wanted to apologize for repeatedly breaking your heart and rebelling against you. It must've been hard raising me.

I recall a long time ago that you took me to see Hamlet and that I loved it so much I even bought a copy of the script. I remember this with a great deal of fondness because it was you who actually paid for it. Thanks for that by the way.

You knew that I loved music and theatre and bought tickets to see Hamilton for my birthday even though father wanted me to get something more functional. I remember pretending not to notice your arguments with him over the gift and putting on a facade to react surprised when seeing the tickets in the box I opened at my party.

Anyways, do you remember that time in the summer when you confessed that you didn't love my father the way you used to? And how he had broken your heart far too many times for you to willingly show affection. You told me about your old boyfriend...'the one who got away' I think was the way you put it.

You always said to marry someone I love and not let them go.

Turns out I've found that person and that the hardest choice I have to make is not letting him go. But I won't.

I love you mom, and I'll miss you.

Lots of love,

Your little Lisa

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