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~the day before the extermination~

It had been almost a year since you'd come to hell. Tomorrow's the day of the extermination. It was gonna be the first extermination in which you wouldn't be an exterminator angel. It was weird but it was all the more relaxing. It was getting late and you were on your way back to the hotel after running errands. You could finally not worry about killing any sinners on an annual basis anymore.

"Hey slut! You wanna go over to my place and have a good time.", a demon shouts from the shadows of the alley you were walking down.

Oops, spoke too soon.

The one thing you hate in others taking advantage of you because you look scrawny or helpless. The fact they don't know is that you were one of the strongest exterminators up in heaven and known for being merciless when it came to taking the lives of sinners. That demon chose a bad day to mess with you.

Maybe I won't kill this one, for the sake of my anniversary of celebrating coming to hell. You think, but he had other plans. He comes closer to you as you ignore him. You put your bags down and turn around. He walks up to you and holds your chin up so you're looking at him.

"Look I don't want any trouble and I'm in a rather good mood today so I'm willing to spare you. Why don't you be a good boy and scram!"

"You think you can take me bitch?", he says sounding very confident. He then holds your cheeks tighter and grabs a hold of your hand.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Oh really? Or what?"

You kick the guy in his balls, get your hands free from his old and slam him to the ground face down. You twist his hand and lock him down. You slid your free hand under his chin, grabbed hold, and leaned into his face. He's struggling to get free and is grinning and cursing things at you, but you don't bother paying attention.

"I warned you.", you whisper into his ears before you snap his neck, instantly taking the life out of him. Not a single drop of blood on you and no final screams of terror.

"Now that's what I call, a clean kill.", you chuckle to yourself, oblivious of the fact that you were being watched the whole time by a figure in the shadows.

You gather up your things and head back. Charlie and Vaggie have already had dinner and God knows where Angel's at. You don't have much of an appetite so you skip dinner and head straight to bed. You quickly drift off, as a train of thoughts crosses your mind and fall asleep.

You were in deep sleep when you're woken up by incessant knocking. You ignore it for a while because your too lazy to wake up but the knocking just keeps getting louder and louder. You finally jump out of bed, really annoyed and half ready to kill the idiot who's banging at your door. You lazily walk up to the door and open it but to your surprise, there's no one there. You peek your head out of the door and shout into the hallway.

"Angel if this is some kind of a joke its not funny!", no answer. You climb back into bed and try to sleep but the knocking resumes. You dash to the door filled with fury and swing the door open but, there's no one there. The angry look on your face melts away and is replaced with one of concern. You look around and realize the knocking still continues and that it's actually coming from the window. Before you can go take a look behind the curtains, the windows shatter, and an angel charges at you through the curtains. You freeze in horror and the angel pierces your abdomen with a spear, a cynical smile resting on its face.

You jump out of bed as your awoken from your dream by actual knocking on the door. Your panting and your breath are heavy from the terror of the nightmare you just had. You look at the window to assure there's no one there and the sun is shining through it. The knocking continues but you hesitate to open the door. You cautiously inch your way to the door and open it slightly so you can peek through the crack. You see Angel standing on the other side and you let out a sigh of relief before swinging the door open completely.

"What did you drink last night to sleep through all that knocking babe?", Angel jokes.

You're clearly still half asleep but you manage a chuckle.

"Anyways I just came to get you for breakfast, wouldn't want you starvin' to death, we need someone to keep this place in good shape.", he says while he playfully punches your shoulder.

You smile and tell him you'll be down in a bit and so you close the door and freshen up. You go down and have breakfast with the others. After this Charlie and Vaggie go on about their daily business.

"Hey sugar tits, why don't we have a movie marathon? Since the extermination's going on Charlie told us to stay inside and I'm booored.", he says with eager eyes.

"I don't know....."

"Pleeeeeaaaaase?", he begs while getting really close and making his puppy dog eyes seem even larger.

"Oh alright, just stop with the puppy dog eyes. They're too adorable."

So you two decide you'll watch in your room and make your way there. Angel's got all the movie essentials and you've prepared for food and drinks. Charlie and Vaggie on the other hand spend some alone time with each other. This makes you certain that something's up between them.

You two spend the rest of the day indoors watching movies until Angel fell asleep. You tuck him in and switch off the TV. Its late and the chaos of the extermination has settled down a bit. You decide to get some fresh air and go out on your balcony. You take in the hellish air and stretch your arms out. You're admiring the pretty evening sky, even if its dark and cursed its got a special beauty and you admire it. You're absorbed by the beauty when you were faced with your worst fear. And exterminator angel flies onto your balcony railing from beneath and you're totally baffled by this unexpected turn of events. The angel tries to stab you but you quickly dodge it. You both stumble into your room as you kick the angel's spear away. Your in a heated struggle when the angel knocks you over and notices a now asleep Angel Dust on your bed. Sleeping through the whole thing like a baby. You realize what's about to happen and slightly panic, you know there's no other option. Angel would die if I didn't do anything. You stand on your feet and just as the exterminator is about to strick Angel your whole form changes. Your wings reveal themselves and your eyes are filled with fury and bloodlust. You summon an angel spear in what seemed like a flash. The angel's clearly confused and a bit startled, forgetting entirely about Angel. It tries to strick you but you summon some strange black tentacles from the ground which tie it down. You take a final look at the miserable thing before you rip it to shreds, leaving angelic blood all over the place along with a few chunks of its body.

Before you turn back, you use your magic to snap everything back to normal. Angel then wakes up looking at you confused, the place is squeaky clean and he's too sleepy to notice the drops of blood on your shirt. Not to mention since its already red, so it's hard to tell. You do seem a bit nervous when Angel wakes up but he doesn't give a damn and goes straight back to his nap.

That was quite a close call.

You quickly lock the windows and sit down in a chair beside your bed that is occupied by the large spider. Overcome with fatigue from using so much of your powers after what had seemed like forever, you soon doze off.

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