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Ok so I've been putting this off for far too long now but do I say this................*nervous shuffling*.....look I know I promised I'd finish this book at all costs. And I was quite confident about that because I had planned a lot buuuuuuuuttttttt...............that was a long time ago. Things happened which delayed my writing process and it kinda killed my enthusiasm. Apart from that, I've grown out of my "X reader" fanfiction writing days and so I feel awkward when trying to continue this book. So...what I'm getting at is that....

I'm discontinuing Hellbound

I never I'm my whole life thought I'd say those words but life is ice lost my zeal and I can't stand to look at this book anymore because of how many mistakes I've found in the plotting and just in how amateur the writing feels to me right now. So yes.....say goodbye to Hellbound because the chances that I might change my mind is very slim and my personal life is keeping me very busy.

I truly am so sorry for letting you all down so abruptly. I know there's a lot of you who loved this book and stayed keen for every update and begged me to keep writing it....but I just can't.... anymore...I'm sorry.

TL:DR:- I'm discontinuing Hellbound because I have zero self-esteem and have lost all enthusiasm.

So I might also maybe unpublish Hellbound because I sorta just can't bear to look at it now. I might even go as far as deleting it but that depends on wether if any of you will be in a total depressed state like "Nooooo don't take my fantasy away from me!" Or not......if not then I can unpublish or delete without any lingering guilt but if yes then it depends.

I just feel like Victor Frankenstein I created this book and felt good about it in the process but now....I just feel like I've created an yeah.

Also there's something I forgot to mention and I'll feel guilty if I don't ever bring this up but ....... y'all need to CHILL!

I'm not gonna go around pointing fingers or anything but it was brought to my attention by a dear friend that some of you have been a bit harsh to certain readers in the comments section of my book. Me being as oblivious as I am, didn't notice....but hearing this coming from a best friend that she was being treated rudely in my book just made me feel terrible. Because that's not the kind of society I want to be part of or create.

I know how toxic the Hazbin fandom can be sometimes....but I don't want to harbour that toxicity in something that I've created. So if any of you try to be jerks in any of my books every again.... I'll personally hunt you down and make sure you learn your lesson.....(I hate threatening people like this so you better understand exactly how hurt I was finding out that this happened)

Also although I'm gonna stay inactive on wattpad for quite a while.... I'll still be active on my Instagram (@sama_galleria )so you can follow me there if ya like......or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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