The hotel

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You walk down the streets of hell and take in the horrifying sight around you. Everywhere you look its demons fighting, drunks, robberies, and other sinful things going on. You can't help but scowl in disgust. But it wasn't the first time seeing such things, you'd been down there many times during the exterminations. Though you'd never had to walk so close to all this madness.....and now you'd have to live there!

The thought of it was surely demoralizing but it was either living here on your own will, or up there under someone else's orders. You preferred your freedom over'd learned that the hard way after your death.

So you set out looking for a were low on cash as everything was usually free in heaven. You were fond of coin and currency collecting and since there were none in heaven, you'd collect a few from hell on your visits for the extermination. They were beautiful to your eyes and it was hard parting from them. You managed to pay for your new outfit with that money but you had barely any left. You were walking down the street looking at stores hoping to find a suitable job. You tried at a few places but they were either not hiring or didn't seem that safe.

As you walked by, a bit depressed at not finding anything good you bump into a tall demon.

"Watch were ya goin' toots.", the demon says.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry sir."

"You can't have your head in the clouds in these parts of town, ya might get snatched.", he says with a flirtatious look in his eyes. That kinda creeps you out but you don't show it. He's very tall and has four gloved hands. His entire body is covered in white fluffy fur and the fluff on his chest seems to be popping out a bit too much.

"Anyways, what's a doll like you doin' wandering the streets of hell all alone.

" Oh I was just looking for a job, I'm a bit new here you see.", you say. "I should really get going, I wouldn't want to disturb you anymore."

"Hold it toots! I think I might be able to lend a hand at your job hunt. There's this hotel I'm staying at across town and they're short on staff. You could try something there if ya want.", he suggests but your face clearly shows that you don't entirely trust him. "If your worried about safety issues, the girls running the place are total sweethearts who would hurt a least one of 'em is."

Hmm. I'm not so sure I should trust just any demon I meet in hell, these guys aren't usually what they come off as. But I really don't have much of a choice, I'm running out of time as the day reaches its end. You think to yourself and finally, decide to give it a shot. "Alright then, I'll go with you and thank you for offering to help me.", you tell him.

"Then names Angel Dust by the way. Who're you?", he asks as he walks you down the street. 

"My names (y/n), its a pleasure meeting you."

"Well I get the feeling we'll get along well toots." And with that you two make your way to the hotel.

                     ~At the hotel~

After Angel drops you off at the hotel he leaves saying he's got some special business to attend to. You open the large doors to the hotel and enter to find a pretty blonde demon standing in the lobby. She's got red circles on her cheeks and is wearing a pink jacket and black pants. Her long locks have a unique curl to them and are tied at the tip.

"Um....excuse me? I was led here by Angel, he sai-, you were cut off by the demon as she exclaimed with joy. "OMS! (oh my Satan!😉) We have a new guest! I can't believe it! Hi, my name's Charlie, and welcome to the Happy Hotel. Your gonna love it here!"

I don't think she heard even a word of what I said.

"I'm sorry but we seem to have a misunderstood standing."

"Oh, uh.....whys that?"

"You seem I'm not actually here as a guest. I was hoping to find a job and a place to stay and Angel said I might have a better chance at getting so here."

"Oh, well that's great! We were low on staff so I guess you've come at the right time.", she says to you, "I guess I could set you up with a job at the hotel and I could give you a room, its totally rent-free so don't worry. I'm just gonna need a bit of information to fill out an application and your good to go."

"That's absolutely splendid! What do you need?"

"I'll get the papers and be right back. Wait here."

With that, she leaves you in the lobby, it's actually a lot messier than what you'd expect from a hotel. The whole place has a vintage feel to it and it makes you feel at ease like your in your own time.

I think I'll be just fine here.

"I'm back with the paperwork. So first question: What's your name?"

"I'm (y/n) (l/n)."

"When did you die?"

"Ninetee- I mean 2019! That's right, I died in 2019.", you lie.

It was the first time you'd ever lied since your death. You realized that if you told her you'd died in the 1920's she'd be suspicious of how little you knew about hell having spent almost 100 years there.

"That's quite a recent death. How'd you die?", Charlie asked next.

"Murdered, stabbed with a knife by someone but don't know who."

"Ouch, that must've hurt."

"Not entirely, I was actually relieved that I could finally rest in peace for once but boy was I wrong.", you both chuckle at your remark and it melts into an awkward silence.

Charlie breaks the silence," How old are you?"

"25 years old."

"So last question, what kind of demon are you? Usual demons have some sort of physical features to hint at what kind they are but you don't seem to have any fur, ears, tails, or claws or anything."

You slightly faltered at that, unsure of how to reply. You weren't the best at lying either. You quickly look around trying to think of a suitable creature that you might relate to.

"I' Um..... A deer demon! Yes, I am a deer demon.", you quickly retort as you see a deer head on the wall. You also remembered that female deer's don't have any antlers so maybe you could get away with it.

" Really? Because you don't seem to have any physical feature that resembles a doe or anything.", Charlie speculates, clearly not convinced.

"Well, of course, I don't have any antlers or anything but...........I-I have a fluffy little tail and ears that........I hide under my dress and hat because......I'm....shy.", you state, really hoping she buys it.

" Can I see your ears?"

You hesitate and whisper a spell under your breath as you take off your hat. Suddenly two tufts of your (h/c) hair stick out of your head looking like deer's ears.

There's a moment of silence before Charlie says, "OMS! They are so cute!"

You smile feebly and say, "Thank you. "

"Well I guess we're done here then. Here are the keys to your room, you should go get some rest for now. You start work tomorrow. I'm glad to welcome you to the Happy Hotel family!"

Cheerful and relieved that you convinced her you to make your way up the stairs to your room. You open the door, walk in, and plop onto the bed. The room is crimson themed with red bed covers, ruby curtain, a lovely black vanity and mirror, two mahogany bedside drawers, and a nice crimson carpeted floor. You instantly doze off on the velvety soft bed, well aware of the busy day your gonna have tomorrow.

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