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Harry's POV

"Boy, Leonardo," he said, the smile spreading across his face, I turned to Ginny,

"A boy," I whispered,

"Harry, Harry,"


"Draco asked if we would like to see Leo,"

"Yeah, yeah," I said, getting up and carrying James in my arms, walking towards the door, Draco opened it and I could see Hermione in the corner, the baby in her arms, she looked exhausted, a bit like Ginny did after James was born. Draco strolled over the Hermione and picked the baby out of her arms,

"Our son," he said proudly, "Leonardo Scorpius Malfoy," he said, glancing at Hermione, the were both smiling, they were happy.

Hermione and Leo were allowed home 5 days later, and Draco went to pick them up.

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