1. New Beginning

651 30 23

2016 June

It is 4pm on a hot and humid Thursday.

Joss empties the last of the boxes and throws his perspiring and exhausted body on the thin mattress. He feels around the plastic-wrapped mattress for the air-con remote control. Does some mental calculation and changes his mind but turns on the fan instead.

He is now an international student in Singapore, one of the most expensive countries to live in. Turning up the air conditioner would probably set him back with another 2000 baht a month. He knew Singapore was expensive but it was the best choice that's close to home. He is from Thailand, he can surely bear with a little bit of heat and humidity.

He looks around the organized but lifeless room. It's smaller than his condo in Bangkok, which he lived in with his big brother. This one is just a bedroom. And he even has to use the common bathroom that's in the kitchen. He could have rented the other room that has an attached bathroom. But that will cost him another 3500 baht a month.

He wallows in self-pity. He misses Derp and Jaeger, the two cute but asshole cats. He misses Boss, his mind of logic brother. He misses his best friends, J and Luke. He misses his parents. Most importantly, he misses the cheap and good food back home. Not that food in Singapore is bad. In fact Singapore is a paradise for food. But they cost 5 times more than that in Thailand. He misses home.

And he has only stepped foot in this new place 39 hours ago.

It's alright Joss. You've got this. It's just 26 months. You only have 25 months and 28 days to go.

His stomach growls. Only then did the 189cm tall young man realized he hasnt eaten anything since 10am. He had spent the whole day unpacking and cleaning up his new 'home'.
He walks to his mini pantry, which took only five steps, and opens up a new pack of Mama instant noodles and drags his feet to the shared kitchen. Only light cooking was allowed.

He has always been health conscious and would avoid processed food like the plague. But finances is his biggest concern now. Not that his parents cannot afford his two years of education and lodging. But he had come against their wishes so he had to make sure he does not end up asking them for money. He had to depend on his savings and the money Boss gave him. Hopefully he can find some part time jobs to earn some air-con money.

He looks at the pathetic amount of noodles in the bowl. It wouldnt take him more than five minutes to devour everything. His food ration could last him another three months if he doesnt eat more than one pack a day. If he was not this burned out, he would have made his way to the nearby supermarket, 10 minutes walk away, for some groceries. But not today. Not with the 34 degree weather outside. Not when he is engulfed by melancholy.

He had been in Singapore half a year ago with his family. It didnt feel anything like this. he enjoyed his family vacation in Singapore so much and liked the environment so much. Clean, safe, convenient, organized, people speak English, which is the official language, good food everywhere... Which is why he decided to further his education here.

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