It's better this way

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Trixie laid back on her bed and sighed as she hung up the phone.

What had changed in the weeks leading up to now, why was Katya suddenly so backwards? Trixie knew she had messed up with how she handled things between her father and Katya but in the moment what else was she supposed to do?

He'd laid off in the last few weeks, started going out more and leaving Trixie alone for the most part, no snide commentary or blatant muttering about his own daughters life choices.

Trixie felt relief, but with Katya it was like the stress was all back on her shoulders and there was nothing Trixie could do about the behaviour change because: One: was not Katya herself and Two: Katya continued to refuse help nor explain what the problem was.

There was being tough and there was being arrogant to the problem, and as much as a Trixie hated to admit it; Katya was not being tough, she was avoiding the situation as a whole - so afraid of confrontation.

How the tables had turned since that night Katya found Trixie throwing up from nerves. How different they both had become since getting to know one another.

Trixie knew deep down what she had todo, even if she didn't want todo it... if Katya was going to deny the obvious problems in her own life; Trixie would have to remove herself from the situation - she could not afford to be taken down along with Katya - not after she had worked so hard to build a sense of self worth and confidence.

She'd offered help, she'd stood by her for the last four months and there was no change or growth, as much as she respected and adored the other girl she knew she was going to have to put herself first this time around.

She looked back at her phone and read the text that had popped up:

Katya: "Trixie. I'm sorry, I just can't tell you - I can't explain it..."

Trixie bit her lip and typed back.

"We have to break up."

Katya: "you're dumping me over text?"

"It's better this way."

{ A/N: I will update you guys on the next book soon. Thank you for all
Your support this last year on this novel. It means the world to me. }

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