Katya | 7

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Katya looked up as Trixie quietly snuck past the living room after getting changed, she had replaced her attire with a baby pink romper and put her hair up with a bow.

She scurried over and dragged Katya towards the door, picked up their shoes and made sure to get outside as fast as possible.

"My dad would kill me if he saw me dressed like this."

Katya chuckled and nodded.

"I was wondering what the rush was."

They slipped on their shoes and headed down towards Katya's car; a black mini with white leather seats.

"Where are we going?"

Trixie asked once they were settled and on the road, Katya smiled to herself.

"It's a surprise."

Katya could see Trixie rolling her eyes to the side of her and just shook her head to herself as she drove.

"So why, Country?"


"You sang Dolly last night - that's not most peoples go to."

Trixie laid her head back and pursed her lips.

"She's one of the people I look up to, I dunno... My mom used to sing her songs and other country artists 'round the house all the time, guess that's why I like it."

"Because it reminds you of your mom?"

Katya glanced over and notice Trixie's expression fall.

"I'm sorry if that's a sensitive subject, we don't have to talk about -"

"No, no. It's fine. I just don't talk about it much and usually not with people I barely know."

Katya bit her lip, they really didn't know each other, but for some reason Katya felt comfortable around Trixie and she didn't feel so angry or hostile.

"But for some reason it doesn't bother me that you know so much already and I'm just not really sure why it doesn't bug me."

It was if Trixie had been reading Katya's mind.

Katya parked the car outside of the local monastery

"We're here."

Trixie raised an eyebrow as she got out of the vehicle and shuffled after Katya.


Katya nodded and explained;

"We used to go out as a family and hike up the hill a bit to have picnics and watch the sunset. I don't come here very often anymore."

Katya lead Trixie up one of the designated trails to show her the view on the other side; a wide, deep lake and acres of forest surrounding it. A flock of geese honked as they took off into the sky in their 'V' formation.

Trixie smiled gently and noted the different colours and hues of the sun that laid over the surface of the water. It was only 4:30 but the sun was starting to set, she disliked winter for the fact that the days were so much shorter, but she couldn't complain about the weather today or the sunset they were watching.

Katya thought about what she had read in Trixie's journal, she wasn't quite sure she understood - she thought she might've but at the same time she couldn't pinpoint what Trixie was referring to. She tried to clear her mind and forget about the secret Trixie had and continued walking along the trail with her.

"Can I ask...about the school you were going to?"

Trixie asked nervously.

Katya licked her lips and looked down at her feet as she walked.

"When my parents were separating I started getting super angry and throwing childish tantrums... I had a lot of issues at school and became a bit of a bully to be honest. I cut off a girls pony tail - I mean it was more of a rat tail - but still."

Trixie gasped and tried to stifle her laughter but couldn't help it.

Katya grinned at her response.

"Anyway, I was just very sad and had a hard time articulating my feelings and accepting my dad's move back to Russia and finally I got kicked out of a couple of schools and my only choice was to attend the chance school. Which gave me a safe place to vent and rehabilitate myself into another public school."

Trixie nodded while she listened.

"It took me two years to feel normal again and to prove I could be who I used to. - or at least as close to who I used to be. Sometimes I'm scared I'm going to crack under the pressure."

She stopped walking and looked at Trixie,

"Why am i even telling you all of this?"

Trixie shrugged.

"I mean, I don't mind - but if you want to stop; you can."

They continued to finish walking through the rest of the trail (which was only about fifteen minutes) and headed back into town afterwards.

"Wanna stop for coffee - or, tea? You seem like the type of person to prefer tea."

Trixie laughed;

"How'd you know?"

"lucky guess."


Katya held the door open to a cafe called; "After Thoughts" for Trixie and toddled after her.

Trixie ordered an earl grey tea and picked out a couple pink macaroons to share. Katya ordered a black coffee and made sure she paid for Trixie's drink before she had a chance. Trixie wasn't amused by this but Katya still felt bad about the journal and she didn't mind paying - it was her idea to go after all.

Katya walked over with their drinks to where Trixie had chosen for them to sit and set the cups down on either side of the table before sitting across from the other girl.

"Oh, you can have this now-"

Trixie pulled the leather journal from her bag and slid it across the table to Katya.

"Did you look in it?"

Katya looked back at Trixie.

Trixie shook her head,

"Of course not."

But katya knew she had, one of the corners within the first few pages had been unfolded.

{ A/N: I'm trying to keep this plot line stable and not rush anything. Feel free to comment headcanons }

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