Trixie | 8

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That night as Trixie lay in bed, she thought about her lie. It wasn't a big lie - just a white lie, but she guessed it was still a terrible thing and quite hypocritical of her - all things considered.

However, Katya's art was incredible; intricate and detailed, fluid and beautiful. Trixie noticed many of the drawings were of people she'd recognized - portraits of those in her own classes or at lunch. Many of them were side profiled or appeared to be etched out from memory.

She'd found one at the very beginning of the sketch book though, only a few pages in - there was one that was almost identical to Violet, and the one beside it was that of another young girl.

She had blonde volumized hair and thick eye lashes, protrudent lips and blue eyes, broad shoulders and a pink ascot. Trixie wanted to assume this drawing was of her, but the girl in the sketch was much too pretty.

She'd put the book away and stopped snooping after that, she didn't want to invade Katya's privacy any further.

Trixie curled up under her white duvet cover and looked at herself in the stand up mirror that leaned across the wall from her bed. She had no make up and her hair was down and flat. She was not beautiful - not to her standards at least.

She fell asleep thinking about the sketch left in Katya's book.

{ A/N: Sorry I missed the other day and I've had a headache and haven't been feeling well much of the day so this is awfully short but I figured I should post to tie you guys over for now. }

Katya?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें