Must Be You | 17

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A week had gone by since the accident and Katya wasn't showing any sign of getting better if anything all signs pointed to declining health and poor endings.

Trixie visited every day but she knew eventually her dad would begin to ask about her (fake) tutoring sessions after school or even worse; show up to check on her and track her down when he discovered she wasn't where she claimed to be.

Today felt sullen - it was drizzling, the bus ride to the hospital was quiet and gloomy.
Trixie rested her forehead gently against the glass and stared out the window. There wasn't as much traffic on the roads even though it was a Saturday - as if everyone stayed home because they knew - they knew that sad sorrowful Trixie would be sitting mopping about on the bus and they didn't want to see poor pathetic Trixie with her silent crying and tired eyes.

She let out a deep sigh, rested back in her seat and closed her eyes for a few moments; Dolly Parton playing through her headphones:

"-just like the tide goes with the sea ~ we belong together - you and me..."

She felt herself humming.

"- it must be you that's always walkin in my dreams - it must be you who'll always be right next to me..."

Katya was on her mind again.

"-so when you find yourself alone just think of me and i'll be there! Must be you by my side the whole way through."

She cared. She cared about Katya in a way she didn't understand. She didn't know this feeling but she cared about Katya deeper than Danny or Violet - she just cared more than she could describe.

She couldn't fathom such overwhelming emotions.

Trixie got off by the hospital and began the walk up through emergency, past the front desk and towards where Katya's mom said to meet her. She was standing at the end of the hall; a male nurse across from her - a concerned and sorry look on his face.

This spiked a feeling of nervousness in Trixie, she slowed down and approached them slowly. Ms. Zamolodchikova looked her way and forced a pained smile;

"Hello Trixie."


The nurse nodded.

"I'll leave you two for a bit."
He stepped away and walked down towards the room Katya was in.

Trixie looked up concerned.

"What's going on...?"

"There's no sign of her getting better, and I can't afford to keep her on life support longer than a couple months."

Trixie felt a lump form in her throat.

"S-so... what does th-that mean for her...?"

Katya's mom looked down and licked her lips.

"I'm going to have to take her off life support if she doesn't show any sign of consciousness."

She felt herself growing nauseous.
She always got sick to her stomach from this kind of anxiety. She looked around for one of those containers they handed to you when you started getting too pale but there wasn't any in the barren hallway.

"Would you like to stay with her while i get some food, i can get you a water, too - you look pale."

Trixie looked up and nodded silently.

"Is that okay?"

"of course-" she kissed Trixie's forehead and headed towards the cafeteria.

Trixie waited a few moments before finally stepping into Katya's room. She looked over her body - unconscious but still beautiful. So blissfully unaware of Trixie's presence and the fear of those around her and outside of that room.

She stepped forwards and carefully picked up Katya's hand. Must Be You replayed in her head as she intertwined her fingers between Katya's.

"I don't know why and I don't know how but I don't care, because I know this feeling is genuine... Katya..."

she spoke softly:

"I love you..."
she whispered.

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