Trixie | 20

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"- just when I've begun to get myself together..."

Trixie looked up at the crowd before her while she sang. A week into their spring break and she was sat before a piano at Violet's (Father's) Gala.

"- You waltz right in the door just like you've done before..."

She tried to put on a grin and keep singing, Katya was on her mind though.

Violet grinned at her from the corner of her eye, holding her phone side ways - obviously recording.

"and wrap my heart 'round little finger - here you come again -"

She continued to remind herself that Katya would've wanted this... would've adored it.

"Just when i'm about to make it work without you..."

Max was standing next to Courtney and Will, all three of them grinning and waving.
She felt her shoulders ease into the rhythm of playing the piano.

"you look into my eyes, and lie those pretty eyes and pretty soon i'm wond'rin how i came to doubt you."

She looked back at the keys beneath her fingers as she continued to play and sing into the mic they'd set up on her.

She tried to avoid thinking about everything that was going on... such as the fact that that if Katya didn't show signs of getting better or wake up soon they would most likely pull the plug on her that evening.

"All you gotta do! - is smile and smile and there go all my defences..."

She tossed her head back with the lyrics as people began to clap along and cheer.

"just leave it up to you! - and in a little while you're messing up my mind and fillin' up my senses!"

She looked back at Violet and Danny who were grinning as she finished and repeated the verse. Their smiles spread across their faces so wide they looked like they hurt. Trixie worried that these were pity smiles or maybe she looked sad or uncomfortable.

She attempted to relax and continued to sing, finishing off the song.

"here, you - come again - and here I go..."

The entrance to the ball room opened as she finished;

"Here i go..."

She stood up as everyone applauded and smiled gently, looking across the room of faces, those she recognized and those she didn't.

Then her gaze fell upon an all too familiar face... she felt her chest tighten and her breath shorten.

She whispered but the mic managed to pick it up a bit;


{ Sorry this chapter is a bit abrupt but I wanted to update you guys and finally had some free time. }

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