She's an Eagle when she Flies | 21

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Trixie stood frozen in place, she couldn't bring herself to move from her spot on the stage. She watched as everyone began to clear away back to their tables and sit down or to the bathroom and kitchen area to powder up and get drinks.

She glanced over at Danny, Violet and pearl who were all grinning at her and applauding before turning back to each other and continuing their conversation - as if no one had heard her or noticed Katya's presence in the room.

She looked back to where the blonde had been standing only to find it empty - Katya was gone in the blink of an eye. She swallowed and blinked a couple times, had she imagined the girl?

Trixie fixed the mic and piano bench and stood up, she adjusted her dress and walked down the stairs at the front of the stage and made her way to one of the designated green rooms to catch her breath and calm down.

Trixie pulled out a compact mirror and checked out her make-up to reassure that the bruise on her chin was still covered. She snapped it closed and slid it back into her purse and gathered up the rest of her belongings.

She closed the door quietly and made it past her friends before slipping out the back door and putting on her headphones. Eagle when she flies began playing as she started her walk back home.

She's been there
God knows she's been there

Trixie sighed and chewed on her lip nervously as she looked around the suburban street, she could've sworn she'd seen katya in that room full of people - maybe it was just her brain looking for sense of comfort, or someone with similar facial features - but she would've hoped she'd known the Russian girls face better than that by now.

She has seen
And done it all

Trixie clutched onto her purse and pressed the button to cross the street, she tapped her foot and sang along quietly to the music playing through her headphones.

She's a woman
She knows how to dish it out

"Or take it all..."

She hummed softly and walked along the cross walk as the chirping noise went off.

Her hearts as soft as feathers
Still she weathers stormy skies

Light drops of rain began to fall and thoughts of katya still swarmed her mind.

And she's a sparrow when she's broken
But she's an eagle when she flies

Trixie didn't mind the rain though, she wasn't too far from home anyway and it was somewhat refreshing.

The rain started to fall harder the closer trixie got to her house, she picked up her speed eventually - but as she grew closer she noticed an unfamiliar vehicle sitting by the sidewalk closest to the driveway.

She slowed down while turning into the drive way and looked at the fragile and ill girl sitting on staircase to her front door.

"Hi Trixie..."

{ hey guys sorry for the long absence, there was just a lot going on in my life with family, moving, my best friend moved, my other best friend and I are no "ex friends" I guess, I've been working two jobs and applying for school and having Health issues so this wasn't my priority unfortunately- but I'm really excited to come back and finish this, and I hope you guys have stayed along and if you're new then hi! Thanks for supporting this work! }

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