I guess seeing his mate in the hospital must have pushed him over the edge.

An edge I never want to see him fall off of again, I shudder at the thought.

He pulls up to his house, and I'm kind of pissed off about it. We both weren't in the right headspace to be trapped in a house with only the two of us to keep each other company. Once he securely parks his car in the driveway, I turn to him and am the first of us to actually speak.

"I want to go home," I whisper, still not making eye contact. Instead, my eyes are set firmly on the keys still in his ignition, hoping somewhere that Destiny could help this to go my way. For something to go in my favour, for once.

"Your home is with me." Klayton answers gruffly before exiting his car and slamming the door shut. The action angers me and I follow suit, slamming my door as equally hard. We both stalk up to his door and I watch as he fumbles with the keys.

I'm mad at everything lately.

However, his comment really set me off. Because he isn't wrong. My home is with Klayton; he feels like home. Not those strangers who I grew up with —although I would forever love them deeply. My whole world is changed though.

As the door begins to open, with my newfound strength I shove past Klayton and march my way into his house. I ignore his slightly shocked expression and walk all the way upstairs, straight into the adjoining bathroom I had been inside days prior.

I want to see what changed.

I peel off the clothes from my body and stand completely naked in front of Klayton's mirror. Instantly, my eyes find their way to a red and blistered scar above my breast; right where my heart is.

I cringe at the sight of it— this must have been one of the leading causes of pain when Klayton had bitten me, I just hadn't known it at the time. The physical alterations happens so quickly, the pain of the bite and the change must have happened almost simultaneously so it would have been excruciating pain.

Although it was painful to the touch, the red ring was magnificent to look at. The imprint, which mostly resembled a burn, was in the shape of a half moon. I lightly bring my finger up to touch it but hiss at the fresh pain. Fortunately, with my new strength, it shouldn't take too much longer to be fully healed into a scar above my breast.

I hadn't bothered to close the door to the bathroom but instantly regret it as Klayton saunters into his adjoining bedroom, and stops as he catches a glimpse of me naked. His jaw drops, and he quickly does a once-over of my naked body before coughing and looking away. I couldn't help but be annoyed at myself for my sheer stupidity.

I briskly walk over to the bathroom door and close it quickly, not wasting anytime. I put my clothes back on, although I'm gentle when it comes to putting on a shirt because of my new scar. I don't bother with a bra. Luckily, I had some spare clean clothes already in the bathroom hamper from prior to this whole mess that were quite cozy.

I exit the bathroom and see Klayton lying in his bed, reading a book —shirtless. He's clad only in his boxers and nothing else, the book perched on his abdominal muscles. He's wearing reading glasses and only glances at me briefly as I exit the bathroom with my chin up. I make my way over to his bedroom door and as I am about to leave, his husky voice stops me.

"Where are you going?" He asks and I scoff. Turning around, I cross my arms over my chest yet make a face as I accidentally brush against my fresh wound. Klayton noticed my reaction and his eyebrows furrow together in confusion.

"I'm honestly exhausted after everything and want to sleep. I'm going to the spare bedroom," I tell him.

"No you're not. Come lay here," he offers beside him. I don't make a move and he sighs at my own defiance. "You and I both know that you won't be able to sleep without me. I'm the same without you. Especially now that we're fully mated, it'll be impossible. You need me as much as I need you," he tells me softly. He's almost begging me to join him, and I suddenly notice the dark circles that appear under his eyes.

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