Chapter 19. Alegiance.

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Chapter 19. Allegiance.

Back upstairs the united group of four impatiently sat waiting for Declan to explain himself. Callie tapped her foot restlessly on the ground, and he shot her an irritated glare. She smirked, and then continued on even more loudly. The man adjusted his dark brown leather jacket and shifted his long hair from his eyes before sitting down opposite the three dead teens and young boy. Declan cleared his throat, signalling for everyone to shut up and listen closely.

"There are four key powers written in the prophecy." He ticked them off on his fingers as he named them off, "Telekinesis, pathokinesis otherwise known as empathy, premonition, and finally mental projection. I can go more in depth, but I need to know, have any of you been experiencing anything out of the ordinary lately?"

Callie cocked her head to the side without missing a beat. "Lately? It would be faster listing off all the normal crap that's happened to us in the last week."

"Kalen? Laila?" He pressed on, ignoring Callie. Laila began fidgeting in her seat, twirling her long hair between her fingers to distract herself.

"Nothing abnormal, I don't think," Kalen said. He thought long and hard to recall the events of these last few days, but nothing immediately stood out to Kalen as being supernatural. Maybe the prophecy was wrong, and maybe he didn't have anything special about him. I could have easily told you that, he thought sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

Laila took a deep, anxious breath. "I don't know... I don't think so," she said finally. She inconspicuously eyed Callie, knowing the girls secret, but not wanting to betray her trust. Callie's lips were still defiantly sealed.

Addison simply stared at Declan, as if he were challenging him, giving him the only answer the man had come to expect from the boy. Declan sighed heavily and rubbed his temples, his head beginning to throb.

"How can it be possible that you four have survived this long without so much as a hint of your powers? I don't understand it." He stood now, resigned to remedying the situation for once and for all.

"What are you doing?" Kalen protested as Declan reached out and grabbed him by the arm, pulling him up from his spot on the couch. The others stood instantly and followed behind them, unintelligibly yelling in unison at Declan's back.

"We are figuring this out now." He released Kalen roughly once they were outside, throwing his arms in the air. "Maybe this is the way!"

"Hey!" Kalen spat as Declan shoved him as hard as he could, but Kalen held his ground. "What the fuck is your problem?"

"Get mad at me, Kalen. Hurt me, do something for God's sake." Kalen took a swing at Declan, but the man easily avoided Kalen's advances and gave him another hard shove.

"Nothing is happening except you're really pissing me off, dude." Kalen clenched his fists, regaining his breath.

"You need to let go. Concentrate," Declan instructed. Instead of physically attacking Kalen now Declan merely lifted his hand slightly and a thin tree branch lifted from the earth and flew at the boy.

Kalen had just enough instincts to duck out of the way, narrowly avoiding being beaten by the limb. "You're insane!"

"You can't keep this up forever; you can't avoid the truth, Kalen."

Kalen put both hands on his knees, his lungs gasping desperately for air. He looked up as another branch was lifted tauntingly off the ground. This one much larger and heavier than the last, and Declan easily held it poised in the air, threatening the boy now.

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