Chapter 11. Collective Commiseration.

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Chapter 11. Collective Commiseration.

Addison tossed and turned violently in his sleep on the worn out mattress in Kalen's room. He murmured frightened, random words that none of the other teens could understand. Laila, who remained by his side even as he rested, patted his head and then clasped his hand lightly as a means of comfort. She sighed in frustration and exhaustion, overwhelmed by sympathy for the little boy.

Kalen and Callie sat on the opposite side of the room, crammed together uncomfortably in the little space. Kalen sat in the chair by his desk while Callie lounged on top of said desk, both of her legs were hanging over his shoulders and dangling over his chest. He gave up on trying to push them off him after the second time of her latching them forcefully back on and bickering with him. He was just happy that she took her shoes off.

"Finally. He deserves some sleep," Laila whispered as she released his tiny hand and walked over to the others. "We haven't had a decent place to rest in a long while. Thank you so very much for this. You're too generous."

"Really, it was no problem at all," Kalen whispered back, grateful that he could be helpful.

"Yeah, well, I guess it won't be that bad, aside from the limited air to breathe in this claustrophobic cracker box." Callie jabbed Kalen in the ribs with her elbow as she spoke and winked. Kalen shoved her back playfully. She laughed as she caught herself against the wall.

Being a witness to their semi-flirtatious banter, Laila smiled wearily, every bit of it reminding her of her Jackson. She closed her eyes to make the thoughts vanish, though she knew they never fully will. She felt so deeply for him that she knew that would never be an option.

"So, how long have you two known each other?" Laila asked, trying to take her mind off of her internal tension.

"The three longest days of my life," Callie answered once she composed herself. Her legs rested neatly over Kalen's shoulders again, which he didn't seem to mind. His smug half smile remained in place. "Or of my death? Either way, too damn long if you ask me," she sarcastically added, smiling at Kalen. He arched his head upwards and responded with a smile in agreement.

"Really? Never once before all of this?" The shock written all over her face was baffling.

"Why do you ask?" Kalen questioned, equally as confused.

"Well, I don't know. You two just seem so... close, is all."

Upon hearing this, Callie and Kalen exchanged glances momentarily and then, as if on cue, simultaneously burst into laughter.

"You're kidding, right?" Callie's face was beet red, mimicking Kalen's. She even bent down to hold onto Kalen's head at one point, just to keep from falling off of the desktop. He leaned against her torso and rested his arms on her legs contently, something neither of them had even noticed. It all just felt so normal to them.

"What's so funny?" Laila asked slowly, eyes narrowing. She crossed her arms, obviously missing the joke.

"Close? With her? I think you hit your head harder than you thought." He took a moment to regain his composure, officially stifling his laughter for good for Addison's sake. His voice lowered a bit more, though it was still light and playful. "I think you're mistaking tolerance for closeness."

"Okay then," Laila tentatively spoke, not daring to press on. What a mess, she thought, trying so very hard to not roll her eyes at the duo in front of her who were obviously in denial. She desperately wanted a change of subject. Though, she had to admit, they did make for very enjoyable entertainment. She smiled and leaned back to make herself more comfortable as she watched them together.

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