Chapter 13. Misguided Ghosts.

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Chapter 13. Misguided Ghosts.

Kalen and Callie retreated into the bedroom to cool off and allowed Laila and Addison, who seemed to be really shaken up, some time together alone. Callie looked down at her shoes, allowing her scarlet red hair spill onto her face, hiding her sorrowful expression.

"Well?" Kalen urged from across the room, still seething. He just couldn't comprehend what had just happened.

"Kalen... I don't know what happened," she said truthfully. That's what frightened her the most. "I'm..." she exhaled softly. "I'm really scared."

The embarrassing admission was barely above a whisper. She looked up and Kalen stopped pacing. His expression softened and he uncrossed his arms.

She averted her gaze, catching sight of the small amount of blood that still dripped from Kalen's knuckles.

"You're bleeding." She grabbed his hand, which caused him to wince.

"Dammit," he cussed. "Careful!"

"Oh, you'll live. So to speak," she allowed the hint of a smile tug at her lips. Kalen didn't look amused. "Just let me look at it."

She lightly traced her other hand over the cuts and scrapes. She felt such an immense sensation of adoration just then for what he'd done to save all of those people-- all because of you, her brain venomously reminded her. She gently dropped his hand and furrowed her brow. He keeps putting his life at risk for her it seems, time and time again, and she had absolutely no idea how to show him just how appreciative she really was.

"Kalen, y'know, good job. I really didn't know you had it in you. You're a lot more brave than we... than I give you credit for." Callie placed her hand on his gingerly, a look of sincere gratitude in her deep blue eyes.

"Well, I mean, you're the one who gave me the idea. I just acted instinctively in the heat of the moment." He smiled, his honey colored eyes avoiding hers. "You're the brave one, Callie. Not me."

"Don't say that." Callie looked up at him with sincerity, trying to read his expression. "You're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for."

"You really think so?" He gave her a meaningful look, trying to read her expression. She looked down shyly.

"I really do." Callie paused, then decided to look up to meet his eyes. "And I'm sorry. I feel like I just keep fucking up, and all I wanted to do was help."

She wanted him to believe her and trust her. She didn't want to be seen as uncaring, unfeeling cynic. Even if he denied it, she knew to be true in his eyes. Kalen's eyes softened; his thumb gingerly traced across the top of her hand that was still resting lightly atop his.

"I know that, Callie. It's okay, I'm sorry that I was so... Jeez. I don't know. This is all so frustrating." Kalen sat down on the bed. Callie joined him.

"I know it is. I know you just want to get it over with and get out of this as soon as possible," she said sadly, folding her arms into her lap. Kalen furrowed his brows and looked at her. "So do I." His frown deepened.

"We have to learn to work with each other and learn to tolerate each other. Do you think that's possible?"

Callie bit her lip, Kalen's eyes boring into hers. She blushed. "Yeah, I think we could try, at least. Possibly." Kalen smirked, which brought a big grin to Callie's face. Kalen stood back up.

"I've just..." he trailed off. He then swore under his breath. "I've never been good at making or keeping friends. I've never really fit in anywhere, and it's so..." He couldn't finish his sentence, but Callie understood more than he could possibly know. She stood too and placed a gentle hand on his forearm awkwardly, not totally sure how to be consoling.

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