Chapter 17. Into the Forest.

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Chapter 17. Into the Forest.

"Who the hell are you?" Callie demanded again of the mysterious stranger, much more aggressively this time. She was crouched down near Kalen's unresponsive body. Laila tenderly cradled his head in her lap and Addison was opposite Callie, staring up at the tall, rugged man inquisitively.

"The name's Declan, and that's all you need to know right now," he said through a cloud of smoke. He shifted his long, dark hair out of his vision as he carelessly discarded the finished cigarette butt.

"We have to keep moving, it won't be long until the next attack," he urged authoritatively. The others just looked up expectantly, but he didn't offer any follow up to his words.

"This was an attack on us?" Laila asked, utterly baffled. "Who would do this? Why? How?"

"I can explain everything later, but for now we are in danger. We need to get to a safe place." Callie eyed him skeptically as he frustratingly lit up another smoke.

"And why should we trust you, exactly?" She arched an eyebrow.

"How about because I just saved your lives?" He rubbed his temple and let out a sigh of annoyance, trying to calm his nerves. "Fucking teenagers," he muttered under his breath.

Kalen began to stir, but his eyes remained closed. That's a good sign, at least, Callie thought dejectedly as she glanced towards the boy. His hair was partially matted to the sides of his pale face with fresh blood, it was a hard sight to take in. Laila methodically stroked the top of his head as a means of comfort. Callie turned back to the man, Addison appearing silently at her side in solidarity.

"Okay, that's a fair point." She crossed her arms, still very hesitant to trust the stranger before her. "Say we do trust you. Where do you suggest we go?"

"I have a cabin we can take shelter in, just outside of city limits. It'll keep us safe--for the time being, at least." He took one last long drag and then flicked the spent cigarette away haphazardly. "Then I will tell you everything you need to know. You have my word." Declan nodded his head solemnly, his expression impossible to read.

Addison squeezed Callie's hand tightly. She peered down at him and she couldn't explain why, but the expression on his face made her think that he trusted Declan. She gave his hand a light squeeze in reply and looked over her shoulder to Laila. She still hovered protectively over Kalen, her blonde curls hanging above his face.

"Well, we have to do something. At least for his sake," Laila chimed in hesitantly. Callie cast her gaze down at Kalen's still body. She watched as his chest rose and fell slowly, systematically. It made her inwardly wince.

She gave her full attention back to Declan. "Okay, we'll come with you," she spoke for the group. "But we will need answers, I don't want anymore of your obsure bullshit."

Declan cocked an eyebrow, the look of annoyance almost turning to one of momentary admiration. The look was quickly replaced by his usual grimace as he adjusted the pack he had slung around his right shoulder. He made his way back towards the unconscious Kalen.

"I'll carry the boy. If we leave now then we'll make it there before dark," Declan huffed as he carefully tossed Kalen over his left shoulder.

Laila cautiously stood, wrapping her arm tightly around Addison's shoulders as they followed Callie's lead behind Declan. Callie took note of Declan's dirty, tattered leather jacket and dark faded jeans. His scruffy appearance suggested that he had been wandering for quite some time. She had so many questions for the man, but decided to save her interrogation for when they arrived at the safe haven. This place was clearly no longer a viable option for the rag-tag group of misfits.

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