Meeting the Purple Dragons

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For the amazing Double-D-Diablo


"Come on (name), at least let me properly introduce you!"

Even though you'd met the Purple Dragons before, you had never actually been introduced. Xever had decided that it wouldn't be a bad idea to meet his 'street connections'. You disagreed.

"The leader guy tried hitting on me the last time I saw him, remember? And the other two are all brawn, no brains. No thanks."

He sighed. Stopping on the sidewalk just outside of Chinatown, he turned you towards him.

"At least get to know them, cariño. For me?"

You sighed, crossing your arms. "Fine. But I'm saying it's for protection, not you. Understood?"

He nodded, but you could see him trying to hold back a smirk.

"Of course chica. No sense in arguing with you."

Leading you further through the dark streets, he finally stopped at - what seemed to be - an empty, dilapidated fortune cookie factory.

"This is the powerful team's hideout?"

Xever glanced at you out of the corner of his eye.

"It's not terrible, I just figured that a band of thieves could afford a nicer place."

You could hear shouting from inside the building, then cheering a second later.

Xever chuckled dryly, unlocking the door. "Yes, well-"

A dart implanted itself in the door, right next to Xever's hand. All three people inside the room glanced up at the impact, then went silent at the glare Xever gave them.


The muscular man shrugged, gesturing towards the wall.

"Playing darts. Why?"

Xever opened the door wider so that all the room's occupants could see both of you. You waved slightly, which Fong returned.

"I would rather not have (name) injured by your antics. So please-" he waved towards the table set up in the middle of the room "-take a seat."


The Dragons had been stiff throughout the entire 'meeting'. Xever had kept you and him one one side of the table, the gang on the other.

Tsoi, the mustached dragon, had seemed less concerned than Fong and Sid. He and Fong were at least trying to answer Xever's questions.

Sid, on the other hand, was trying to stay out of the whole thing. Standing back, shoulders squared, pursed lips. He was very obviously intimidated.

"So Sid," Xever said, finally turning his attention to the speechless Dragon, " What's your problem today? Cat got your tongue?"

Sid glared slightly, turning his gaze to the floor. His teammates chuckled slightly, grinning.

"C'mon guys, lay off him."

Everyone turned to look at you. You shifted slightly in your chair, drawing your legs closer to yourself. "What? I can't tell you to leave him alone while he figures out what to say?" You scoffed sarcastically, a small smile forming. "Rude."

Sid nodded, finally stepping forward slightly. "Yeah, just let me think for a second!"

Xever nodded, lacing his fingers. "So? Where'd the words go?"

Sid shrugged, gaze sweeping over you and Xever. "I just don't have nothin' to say. Is there anything wrong with that?"


"See (name), that wasn't so bad, was it?"

You could see very few stars, but the full moon shone through all of the pollution, air, light, and otherwise.

"No, I guess not."

You and Xever stopped in front of your house. Through the window, you could see Damian playing with (dog's name) in the living room.

"So… milkshake date tomorrow?"

Xever chuckled, pulling you into a hug. "That sounds wonderful querida." He placed a chaste kiss against your forehead before turning around.

"Goodnight minha princesa."

--NiCe. I'm sorry I made Sid out to be... Like that, but it happened. I'll call it inspiration for now.

Make sure to comment requests and I'll see you later. Ciao!

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