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Double-D-Diablo, and everyone else who reads this, I am SO sorry. I forgot this book existed amidst extra schoolwork and bad life choices.

Instead of texts this time, this is your dream, and this is his.


Sitting on a stool at the club, you faced the dance floor with a (favorite drink) in your hand. You had come in with Xever, but it was getting closer and closer to closing time.

Figuring he'd have come back to you sooner, you'd opted to stay at the bar. But as the clock kept ticking on and on, you knew it wouldn't happen.

Setting your drink down, you began surveying the floor more closely. Nothing.

Sighing softly, you stood up. Might as well look for him.

Circling the dancefloor once, twice, the same 20 faces blending together and shifting. Nothing.

You pulled out your phone to text him, let him know that you both really should be leaving.

You looked up momentarily, then dropped your phone.

There in a corner was your boyfriend, lips locked with a teenager. She looked so blissfully unaware of what had happened, but Xever turned when your phone hit the floor.

"Querida? Why are you over here?"

He looked panicked, but he hadn't let go of the other girl's shoulders. She still hasn't moved from her place on the wall, eyes closed in a peaceful expression.

"What am I doing?! I thought you were better than this! Going and kissing some girl in a corner! Whatever, I'm done."

You could feel tears streaming down your face as you turned away from the pair.

Might as well not deny him his happiness.


Xever drummed his fingers lightly on the ice cream parlor's table. You were 15 minutes late and counting to one of your Saturday dates, and he was becoming impatient.

Not one to wait for bad news, he texted you for your location. While putting his phone away he paused, then decided to text the Purple Dragons. If he wasn't looking for you, might as well have Fong do it.

After another 5 minutes of waiting, his phone buzzed. Was it (Name)? Why was she taking so long? Was she hurt? What if-

-Bad news, boss-

Reading over the next paragraph of text, his heart stopped.

You weren't injured,no, it was much worse to him.

It seemed that, no matter how many times you told him you hated the man, (guy friend) had finally convinced you that he was better. The dragons had seen you both across town, fingers laced and laughing.

It didn't help Xever that Fong had included a photo. Your fingers were twined with (guy friend)'s, a smoothie in your other hand. One of your grins that you had only ever had around Xever plastered on your face. You looked like you had come off the cover of a magazine.

(Dog's name) was nestled underneath (guy friend)'s otherwise un-occupied hand, tongue sticking out to the side. All in all, you guys looked straight out of a rom-com.

Xever could feel his face heating up (Anger? Jealousy? Embarrassment?) when he received another text.

-Hey babe! Sorry I'm late, I got caught up in my interviews. I'll be there in five-

He sighed deeply. 'Not worth it. She is no longer worth my time, my kindness, my heart…'

He forwarded the picture to you, of your newfound love, and left the parlor. Pulling one of his butterfly knives out of his pocket, he flicked it open. If he couldn't have you, nobody would.

-----That physically hurt me to write. Make sure to comment requests and I'll see you later. Ciao!

A Thief's Love (TMNT Xever x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now