Nightmares (2)

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Here's part 2!

Passing this off as Independent Writing so I don't get yelled at for being on my phone. T_T


Gasping slightly, you lurched upright in bed.

In bed.

"Stupid flipping nightmare, making me go and-"




"Belleza? Are you there?"

You chuckled lightly, tears streaming down your face. "Yeah, I'm here. What about you?"

-----Other end of the line-----

Xever sighed, running his hand down his face. Of course you were there, you would never betray him!

"Sim, I'm here chica. Just wanted to check on you."

He could hear you snicker slightly. "It's only 2 in the morning, you don't usually text this early to make sure I'm fine. What's up?"

Of course he couldn't hide anything from you. "Nightmare. And you answered because…?"

He could hear a sigh from your end. No, not a sigh-

You were crying.

----- Other end of the line-----

"Nightmare." You confirmed, wiping a few tears away."

"Aww, are you ok cariño? I could come over if you wanted to talk about it."

You grinned shifting the phone again. "I'd like that."

Of course he wouldn't betray you. Why would you think that for even a second?

His voice came clearly through the phone. "I'll be there as quickly as possible. Just sit tight torta."

-----Cheesy, I know. And extremly short. Oh well. Make sure to comment requests and I'll see you later. Ciao!

A Thief's Love (TMNT Xever x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now