"I don't want to talk about it, Sam," Rory sighs.

"You're hiding things. You've been hiding all along. You barely tell Dean anything and he's your boyfriend," Sam argues. "If you're going to be part of our family, you can't just shut us out like this, Rory."

"The two of you keep secrets from me too!" Rory exclaims. "I barely know anything about your family."

"That's not fair," Sam states.

"How is it not fair?" Rory questions. "Whenever I ask about your parents and your family, you shut me down. Whenever you ask me about my family, I do the same. All three of us have skeletons in our closets, Sam. But some of them are bigger than others," Rory shakes her head, pushing past him. "You're right, I do know the Mikaelsons, and I do know Klaus. But our history is long and complicated and it's just a can of worms that I don't want to open right now."

"The three of us are living together now, Rory. We're going to be staying in the same home and if you're bringing home danger then at least I'd like to know,"

"Sam, we've been on the road together for two years. I think if I was going to bring danger along, I would've," Rory tries to keep the uncertainty out of her voice. The only reason that they were safe is because Rory strayed far, far away from any mentions of Originals and Mystic Falls. Now, she was in the same city as them. She could only pray none of them knew she was here. "Klaus and I had a past. It's over now. He probably forgot me already; I'm just a passing face to him."

Sam sighs, pushing his hands into his pocket. "Fine," he gives in. "I'm... trusting you on this," he says. Rory nods in a satisfied manner, continuing to browse through the shelves. "I think I'm going to find Marcel."

Rory looks up at him, raising an eyebrow. "Seriously?" she asks. "How do you know if you can trust him? All you know so far is he-said-she-said."

"And so far, everything's been pretty good. Nothing about him being cruel or a tyrant. I just... I just want to belong somewhere," Sam frowns at the floor. Rory feels for him, she really does. Since Sam and Dean were younger kids, they never had a home. They were constantly on the move, hunting monsters under other people's beds. When their father died, their sense of identity went out the window. They still didn't know who they were and where they belonged to. Sam and Dean weren't like Rory—they didn't grow up with a loving family. They grew up with a dad that had abusive tendencies and spent their lifetime protecting people from things they feared too.

Rory sighs. "Okay," she says. Sam looks up at her. "Okay, we'll see this Marcel guy. Because there's no way I'm letting you go and find him alone. Number one rule is to not trust anybody, no matter what. And it's not just paranoia, okay? Everyone has ulterior motives, especially the supernatural."

Sam gives her a beaming smile. "Thanks, Rory,"

"Sure," Rory rolls her eyes in a playful manner, socking his shoulder. She brushes past him, three vinyl records in her hands as she makes her way to the counter to pay. Just as she approaches Joe, the door opens and a large, blonde man steps inside. She's immediately overwhelmed by the smell of wet fur. Werewolf. She takes a step back, holding a protective arm out in front of Sam.

The man, however, doesn't spare her a single glance. He turns to face a young brunette girl that Rory didn't even realise was there in the first place. "Hey there, cutie," he greets her, but the young girl doesn't look impressed at all. Rory wouldn't either. In fact, she'd be creeped out—this guy looked like he was three times her age.

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