Oxygen and Magnesium!!!!

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Hehehe,OMg!Did ya get it?Hehe,We,were studying bout the periodic table!Dang,I love science so much!But my teacher is kinda borin' but she's still awesome!

SiLi=Silicon & Lithium=Atomic no.14 & 3=143=I love you!!!

Awesome right?

I less than 3 U



  Our beautiful protagonist has just found out that she is Spain's daughter!What d'ya think will happen?

=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O

     "Holy fudge!No freaking way in the frucking hell!!!!!!You gotta be fudging kiddin' me!!!If you guys are lyin',Imma go all mafia on you!!!!!"

    I was screamin like crazy.Like dude,what they told me was so fudging unbelievable!

   I mean,sheesh,I'm actually crying right now.I'm so happy yet so confused.How the heck did it all happen?I mean,look at me!I got blonde hair and blue eyes.

So I wiped some of my tears away and ask them how did it all happen.

Iggy was going to answer my question but the Al beat him to it.

"Well,you see,dudette!It's all Iggy's fault!It was Valentine's day and we were all having fun at a super awesome party at my house but then Iggy got drunk then he got angry at Spain then accidently he casted a spell on you since Spain was carrying you.We were all shocked coz your brown hair started going all blonde then your big dark brown eyes became blue then you floated then sparkles were flying all over you!Then poooof!You dissapeared!Spain was angry as hell at Iggy.France,Prussia and Romano was trying their best to stop him from killing Iggy.We searched for you for ten whole years!!!We search all over the world!If we could,we would've searched the whole universe too!Now here you are!An awesome fifteen year old girl!"

"Finally,my little girl is home...."

Spain hugged me.I still can't believe it.Spain is my actual papa....

I hugged him.I could feel his warm tears falling on my back.Some of the countries you were there to witness our reunion also started to cry.I can't believe it.All of them searched the whole world just to find me.

Finally,after ten whole years of searching,I finally found a place where I belong...


So,sorry if it's not amazeballs!I'm not really an awesome writer.

So,guys and gals,I just wanted to ask for your advice.Should I continue me and my bf's relationship?Coz,it's like this,he isn't really the type who shows his love.He's too shy.He doesn't show me that he loves me!He hasn't evrn said I love you yet!We don't talk.We just look at each other secretly like you know,when I ain't starin at him,he stares at me,when he isn't starin at me,I stare at him.

It's like whats the point of having a relationship,if you act like you don't even have one?

Some Fun In OuranNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ