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So,hi I guess.Did ya miss me?Hehe,I'm pretty sure you didn't.I suck at writing these stories don't I?Well,Imma continue writin' anyway....


After what happened at the park,we went to where they live,I guess.Ludwig was the one driving,Feli was next to him and Kiku and I was at the backseat.They were kinda quiet.Luddy was focused on driving,Feli was sleeping and Kiku was,well,being Kiku.

I didn't like being quite so I asked Kiku if he had my phone with him.Suprisingly,he did.He had my earphones too.

I put my earphones and listened to some of Maroon 5's songs.Dudes if you don't know their songs,you must be an alien.Just kidding v(•u•)v Peace dawgs!

So after minutes of listening to Adam's smexy voice,we finally arrived in front of a really big gate.I was kinda amazed when it sudden opened.I was like "Holy $)-(17 How did the gate open itself?!?Is it alive or what?!?"Feli woke up becoz' of my screamin'.I felt kinda bad.I have this really weird rule that I made up:Never wake anyone like ever.Unless you are really hungry or there is something really important happening and you need to wake em' up like if you're really really hungry.

I apologized to Feli for wakin' him up.So after hundreds of apologies,we finally stopped in front of an awesome mansion.Like really 'Awesome'.It was as big or maybe even bigger than Ciel's mansion.I'm pretty sure this thing has thousands of rooms.

When the door opened I was greeted by people that I did not expect to see and by people I mean countries.

"Yo dudette!Havin' fun?"Alfred greeted me with a silly grin on his face.He hugged me 'real' tight."Oi!You're killing her!Let her go you,idiot!"Arthur pried Alfred off of me.I was really thankful.Alfred was seriously strong.He almost crushed me!

"Are you alright,aru?"Yao asked.I told him I was okay."My sides hurt a bit but yeah,I'll live."Ivan was there too.He gave me a sunflower."Thanks."He's really cute.

"Oh my!She's here already?"France suddenly appeared."Why didn't you guys tell me that she was this beautiful?"I blushed.Nobody ever,as in,never have called me beautiful.He kissed my hand lightly which made me blush even more."Get your filthy hands off of her,frog!"Iggy once again fought with Francypants.I couldn't help but laugh at the scene in front of me.

Iggy and Fracypants were yelling at each other,Alfie and Ivan were arguing bout' something,Yao was getting annoyed,Luddy was also getting annoyed becoz' of Feli, and Kiku was,well,once again being Kiku.

Everyone stopped when they heard me laugh.I dunno why but yeah they stopped.

"Let's go to the living room.I'm quite sure that you have questions that you wish to be answered."Wew,Iggy said that.So we went to the living room.

"So what do you want to know,Lily?"Al asked.Hmmm,what do I want to know?"Why did Kiku grant my wish?"I asked.Iggy was the one who answered my question."Actually,I was the one who brought you here.How?With my magic,of course.I brought you here because you belong with us." "What?"This is kinda confusing me.

"Lily,you don't belong at the dimension you grew up in.You were accidently sent there.Lily,you are actually--"


"Where is she?!?"Antonio was screaming like a mad man."Where's my daughter?!?"Wait,WHAT?!?!

He looked at me with tears in his eyes.He ran to me and hugged me."Finally,your back."he said while crying.

Wait!I'm Spain's daughter?!?


So did you like it?It's slowly turning into a Hetalia X OHSHC Crossover or whatcha ma call it.I love Hetalia,OHSHC and Black Butler.Like super duper love!!!So,uhhh,I don't own OHSHC,Hetalia and Black Butler and if I did then that would be awesome.

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