Part 31

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Hoseok found himself on the balcony of the apartment, passing the time by watching the people down below, small enough to look like little ants moving about freely. Hoseok would laugh at the irony, pulling his legs up to his chest on the bench.

"Hey, it's getting late, aren't you...cold?" Jiwoo's voice came from the door suddenly, moving to step out onto the balcony, "You've been out here all day."

Hoseok hummed in a greeting, his gaze still heavy onto the people running about in the streets below. Jiwoo came to sit next to him, nudging Hoseok's knee with his phone, "I'm...sorry for deleting your stuff and locking your phone without knowing your side of the story...but, if it makes you feel any better, I didn't delete any of your pictures."

Hoseok perked up at that, taking the phone into his hands, "You didn't? But..."

Jiwoo shrugged, "I told him that I deleted them but, he's not going to check. And what's the harm in some pictures?"

Hoseok quickly opened his phone, moving to his gallery and finding all of the photos he'd had of Yoongi and his friends still there, all his memories and smiles still captured and held in the phones small frame. Hoseok smiled as he pressed on a photo of Yoongi, his heart lurching towards the photo. "Thank you..."

"Do you think he'll come find you?" Jiwoo asked suddenly, "I mean, he seemed pretty devoted to you when I met him at the party. Which...I'm sorry about all of that, by the way. But it seemed like he'd be exactly the kind of man who would come crossing oceans just to see you."

Hoseok's smile dimmed slightly, "He would, I know. If I asked him to, he would in a heartbeat. But I left him a letter before I left telling him to move on. And...and even if he did somehow manage to find me again, I wouldn't be able to leave with him."

"What do you mean?" Jiwoo asked, her head cocked to the side.

"Woohyun would go after Yoongi hyung, remember?" Hoseok looked up, shrugging, "I can't put my hyung in danger like that. Love him too much to even consider it."

Jiwoo nodded, "I get it. It'm really sorry."

Hoseok nudged Jiwoo's shoulder, smiling softly, "Hey, you don't have to keep apologizing. Really, it's okay. And...I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier. Like you said it's just been a...a lot, the past 24 hours."

"Yeah." Jiwoo smiled softly back, before a realization washed ashore on her features and melted her smile to a frown, "You don't think Woohyun would...force you to do anything you didn't want to do, do you?"

Hoseok shrugged, "It depends on his mood I guess, I'm just going to try to avoid him as much as I can." Hoseok shone a meaningful look Jiwoo's way, "But call for me if he ever forces you into anything, okay? I'll be there in a second and do whatever I can to stop anything from happening."

Jiwoo chuckled quietly, pointing towards Hoseok's nose, "You're sweet, and cute." She smirked, "But it's quite bold of you to assume I couldn't hold my own against a man his size. I'm actually a black belt in karate, and I've had much stronger men flipped over in a headlock if they so much as said something I didn't like. So I wouldn't worry too much about me. Besides," Her smile dropped slightly, concern swimming in her eyes, "I don't think it's me who he wants in that way, Hoseok-ah."

Hoseok's heart fell down through every floor under them and crashed into the ground when the front door of the apartment opened, "I'm home!"

Jiwoo quickly moved to call through the door, "Welcome home!" Before turning back towards Hoseok, her voice softening, "Hang out here Hoseok-ah, I'll tell him you're not feeling well and you can come eat after we've gone to bed?"

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