Part 30

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"We've searched everywhere. Yoongi there's...there's nothing left. I have tabs on all of the most expensive estates here in Amsterdam and there is no sign of Woohyun or Hoseok in any of these places. We've crossed them all off." Jun sighed from beside Yoongi, the two of them walking down the street, away from another expensive estate that had no sign of Hoseok.

"Well what are you saying? That we head home? I'm not doing that. I won't do that. I won't give up on him." Yoongi growled.

Jun sighed, "Well, let's at least get checked into a hotel or something then. We've been on the go all day and I'm still not fully recovered from that flight."

"You go check into a hotel. I'm going to keep looking."

Jun groaned, "Fine. Whatever, do what you want. But call me if you find any leads. I think our next best bet is to start checking out the places that Woohyun would be at. If we can find him we can follow the breadcrumbs to Hoseok."

"Alright." Yoongi mumbled, distracted as his eyes caught sight of a large building, apartment balconies hanging over each floor. "Jun...would he..."

Jun followed Yoongi's gaze, huffing, "I doubt it. This is Woohyun we're talking about, he's not going to have just some old apartment suit when he can afford the whole damn building. Come on, let's keep looking on our way to the hotel."

Yoongi hesitated, taking one last glance towards the large building before following behind Jun.

After they'd gotten checked in and Jun was in the separate room resting, Yoongi opened up his laptop, searching up the most expensive places in Amsterdam when his phone pinged.


Park Jimin

Jimin: Where are you?!

Jimin: You're not in the chat.

Jimin: I swear if you're feeling sorry for yourself right now and not helping us find my best friend I wil drag you out of that stupid mansion myself.

Yoongi: I'm in Amsterdam

Yoongi: I don't have time to talk

Yoongi: Woohyun is here and I'm trying to find him.

Yoongi: Have Jin hyung hire a search party and send them over here, I'll send the locations that I've already checked.

Yoongi: [Document Attached]

Jimin: And you didn't think to tell us sooner?!?!

Jimin: I'll get on the next flight.

Jimin: I'll be there by nightfall with Taehyung and Jungkook, if we split up we'll cover more ground.

Jimin: Have you checked places Woohyun would visit? Country clubs, expensive bars, houses, etc??

Yoongi: In the process of searching now.

Jimin: The second you find him, tell me.

Jimin: I need to know he's okay.


Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook all arrived in Amsterdam before the sun rose the next day. The group of them unable to rest as they searched seemingly every inch of the city, leaving nothing untouched and asking around to numerous people. But to no avail. Not even any clues turning up.

After three days of endless searching, Taehyung finally spoke, returning from the final place they had yet to cross off the list, to Yoongi's hotel room where the four of them waited. A heavy sigh. "Nothing. I asked every worker in the bar, the managers, even the owner. none of them had any idea who Woohyun was."

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