Part 9

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Yoongi had just arrived at the rooftop bar party that Jimin texted him about. It was a fairly calm event, just a handful of elite and wealthy people mingling about at the top of a luxury hotel with the sunset in the background. Chatter, glasses clinking and jazz playing in the air as Yoongi made his way through the space, eyes searching for only one man.

"Hey, aren't you Min Yoongi?" A new voice came from behind Yoongi.

"Oh, uh." Yoongi stuttered, turning around to find one of the men that had their eye on Hoseok. A fruity looking drink in his hand and shirt cuffed loosely at his forearms as if he'd come straight from the office, he looked casual. "I am. And you're Park Jun." Yoongi spoke, trying to train his voice to sound even in tone while still letting his eyes linger to the crowd.

"You got it, are you...looking for somebody...?" Jun smirked when he noticed Yoongi's distracted gaze.

"Actually, yes. I'm afraid I'll have to cut this meeting short so if you'll excuse me-"

"Is it my Hoseokie that you're looking for?"

"Your what?!" Yoongi couldn't help but to huff. "What do you mean your Hoseokie? He's nobodys, Hoseok is his own, he's a free spirit. He can't be tamed."

"Oh really?" Jun spoke calmly, a smile that was knowing, and icey, "Do you really believe that?"

Yoongi stayed quiet, he didn't know what game Jun was playing but he really didn't care to stay and find out. But before he could leave, Jun sighed, "Listen, I'm sorry. I know he's a free spirit. I came here hoping to find him too actually, it's been awhile since we've...played together."

Yoongi felt like he was going to be sick.

Jun seemed to notice, "Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. Listen if it makes you feel any better, it always feels like it's just me playing with him. When we're together Hoseokie always seems....far away? Distanced? Well at the very least I've always gotten the vibe that it was just another day at work for him. I'm nothing special, to him, at least." Jun shrugged, taking a sip of his drink and watching for Yoongi's reaction, "Perhaps that's why I've kept my sights set on him for awhile now. He's not like the rest."

Yoongi tried not to bark but could hardly help himself, "And that's supposed to make me feel better?! What the hell are you trying to say?!"

"Hoseokie seems happier when he's with you." Jun spoke suddenly, eyes still trained onto Yoongi, as if Yoongi was a lab rat and Jun was the scientist. "That's all I'm trying to say."

"And you think I'm your competition then, is that what it is? Is that what all of this is about?" Yoongi sighed, frustrated. He just needed to find Hoseok, just needed to be far away from everything that was anything but Hoseok. Yoongi just wanted his bird in his arms again.

"I guess it's more a question of, are you my competition, or am I here to help you?"

"Help me?" Yoongi wasn't expecting that.

Jun hummed, "You're not the only one who's not at all a little bit...enamored by Hoseokie, Min Yoongi. He's not someone to be discarded of so quickly."

Yoongi was growing more and more confused and frustrated by the second, frustrated that this man before him didn't know the first thing about Hoseok to be talking about him in such a way and frustrated with himself because Yoongi hardly knew either. But before he could retaliate, Jun spoke first,

"He's over there. Came with some rude rich fuck. And I don't use that term lightly. I tried to intervene earlier, didn't like the way he was treating Hoseokie but...that didn't turn out so well." Yoongi followed Juns gaze, finding Hoseok hanging off of the arm of someone who looked the part of a rich and rude old man. The man was wearing a white suit, larger than Hoseok and incredibly older looking, "I can't remember his name but that guy has Hoseokie on lock down, wouldn't even let him dance with me. Man, it's people like that, who take a one night stand under them and then all of the sudden think that they own the person. It's those kinds of people that get on my nerves."

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