She screamed. Uncontrollably as the shooting replayed in her head endlessly.

"Shut up! You know what?" He went to a closet as she continued screaming. Grabbing a ball gag, he went over to her, kicked the corpse out of the way, and buckled it in the back. It immediately stopped her screams, her cries, and her yelling. "Say something now." He dared.

He grabbed a syringe out of his jacket pocket. As soon as she saw it she stared struggling against the restraints harder. As hard as she tried, he still was able to insert the drug into her arm.

Just as she was beginning to lose consciousness, he heard someone shouting downstairs. Amanda.

"Why the hell is she here?" He asked himself angrily as he left the attic.


Elliot followed Amanda as she drove around time. Making sure not to take a direct route to the house. When she finally did get there, the sun was down. It was Tuesday night, so almost no one was there. He picked up his phone and dialed Fin's number.

"Fin...I'm sending you my location. I'm going to need backup...okay...they traced the LIVE to Brooklyn?....I told you it was a setup, he's smart...ok ok, whenever you get here is fine. It's not immediate as of now, but I really think this is it."

Elliot parked a couple houses over and got out the truck, going around the back way while Amanda walked in the front.

Elliot found the back door already unlocked and opened. He slipped in and listened to Amanda's voice.

"Babe! I'm here!" She shouted.

"Amanda, what the hell are you doing here?"

"A special night at your special place, duh!" She slapped his shoulder.

"Ok...but I was with someone already." He gritted his teeth, annoyed.

"Seriously? Olivia again, is she still in the attic being your little slut? You know what- I don't care. Come on, I know you've been stressed. Let me take care of you. I can show you that I'm way better than that whore." She grabbed his member through his pants and began massaging it until it was hard.

"Hold on, let me grab something first. Then I'll be back to play." He groaned.

"Hmmm okay. I'll be waiting, naked."

"Of course, mami."

Elliot watched as Amanda started pulling her jacket off as she walked backwards into a room. Ernesto waited until she was in before he started going up the stairs. Elliot waited for him to enter a room before he ran up the stairs.

Stopping outside the room Ernesto entered, Elliot pulled his gun and walked in the room. Only to find it empty. A ladder was down in the middle of the room, with a closed door at the entrance.

"You hear me? Pull anything and I'll fuck your face! That seems to be the only way to get you to behave!" Elliot heard Ernesto shout. His footsteps approaching.

Quickly, Elliot hid inside a empty closet near him. He listened as he heard Ernesto open a door and mumble to himself before exiting the room. He didn't open the closet door until he heard him descending down the stairs.

He crept out the closet and made his way up the stairs, opening and closing the door to the attic carefully. He couldn't believe what he was walking into.

The air was freezing. There was a mattress with no sheets, no covers, no pillows...nothing. A pile of throw up was in front of the camera and computer setup. Elliot shook his head, thinking about the video he watched earlier where Olivia puked while being raped...

Looking to the other side of the room he noticed the bloody mess and the dead body. He got worried, but knew she had to be alive because Ernesto wouldn't still be around if she wasn't..

"Liv?" He said as he started opening closet doors. The amount of toys he discovered was disgusting. Knowing they were all used to torture Olivia. It twisted his gut. "Liv, please, say something."

He came to one of the last closets in the room. He wasn't prepared. Nothing could've prepared him for that. He gasped at what he saw.



Will Elliot get Olivia out safely?

Will Ernesto use his gun again?

What will happen next....what do you think?

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